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tag, as in this page */ // bring msg width to form control width. Add messages with new msg lines. function banner(msg,ctrlwidth) { msg = " "+msg msg = " Believe me it's hard to know, what you can never do!"+msg msg = " Believe me it's hard to find The System of You! "+msg msg = " "+msg msg = " What you can never do. . ."+msg msg = " Believe me it's hard to know. . . "+msg msg = " The System of You. . ."+msg msg = " Believe me it's hard to find. . ."+msg newmsg = msg while (newmsg.length < ctrlwidth) { newmsg += msg } // Set up the form and form field. document.write ('
') document.write ('
') document.write ('
') var bannerid = null rollmsg() //get the banner rolling } function rollmsg() { NowMsg=document.Banner.banner.value NowMsg=NowMsg.substring(1,NowMsg.length)+NowMsg.substring(0,1) document.Banner.banner.value = NowMsg bannerid=setTimeout("rollmsg()",200) } // End of script -->

Enter the System of Jay Enter the System of Paige Enter the System of Ryan Enter the System of Amir Enter the System of Bobby Enter the System on Orgy