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My Thoughts

Alright this is the part of the website that gives me the space to put my own personal thoughts on what's happening right now as far as Gambit goes. So here's my thoughts.

1/27/03-Wow I was looking at this page when I saw that my last update was made almost two years ago and even that was a small one. The reason for this is I simply didn't hae the time. I've been so busy lately it wasn't that I didn't want to. So I'm thinking it's time for some updates. One of the things I will be working on soon is updating the people's page since I never really did add some of the characters from the Gambit comics. Also trying to get some ideas for other good stuff. As wellas getting up the fanfic that I had been planning on.

Moving along I think almost anyone who's been checking out new news for X2 knows that Gambit is going to have a cameo role. Happy to hear this since I was wishing that he would have been in the first one. Also wish it was more than a cameo but hey you can't have everything. Maybe we'll have better luck in a third or other movie.

Also hear he's been appearing on X-Men Evolution. However I don't get the channel it comes on so I can't watch this one either. Even if I did that's too early in the morning for me being the night owl that I am. So I'll probably just have to wait until they decide to put them out for sale.

Once again I can't afford comics so I really don't have a clue as to what's going on so no comment there. Sorry.
Anyway to recap
1) Will do that update thing hopefully sometime soon but it could be a slow process. 2) Loving the whole deal with Gambit getting in the spot light again no matter how small. He is a totally deserving character.

5/18/01- Well I thought it was about time for me to say something once again but unfortunatly there isn't a lot to say since I've hardly read any of the comics besides the Gambit series since around September because I really haven't had access to get to a comic book store and I'm really low on money. Boy it's going to cost me a lot of money to get caught up. However maybe that is because whenever I pick up an X-Men comic it just doesn't seem that intresting anymore and recently I haven't even seen one with Gambit. Oh yeah and I thought bringing back Cyclops was a big mistake although I haven't read that yet either. What I am intrested in reading but can't find the issue of is the kiss shared between Pheonix and Wolverine I want to see how that came about. All I have to say is "Way to go Wolvie!" for he finally got what he wanted. I hope it breaks Cykes heart. Anyway seeing I haven't read it yet I don't know anything about it so I shouldn't get all happy about it knowing the way Marvel works. Well until next time these are my thoughts.

1/4/01- Alright I heard something that really made me upset a couple weeks ago and I just thought I'd share it with all of you guys. Now as most of you know Gambit wasn't the only comic to get booted when Marvel decided to clean house on some of it's titles. A lot of other spin off titles got the boot while others stayed. The reason was to many titles. Well now I've heard that Rogue might be getting her own title and I'm thinking what the f***. Alright they cancel a comic book that stars one of thier most popular characters right now and is already in progress because their are simply too many titles but yet they decided to give her a title. I'm sorry but this doesn't strike me as a fair trade in the least (lets out exasperated sigh). To me her character hasn't been that intresting in years and when they did the Gambit comic starring her in it with no Gambit I was extreamly boared. Maybe it's just me but well this is my place for expressing my opinions and your all welcome to e-mail me back on anything you don't agree with on my sight but hey I just had to vent. What really ticks me off about his cancellation was I thought it was a great run. It had everything it takes to keep me entertained action, adventure, a great main character who's cute to boot and of course is a thief. Not only that but the stories were intresting and the characters were great. I really liked Fontainelle and Jacob Gaven although he started out as someone if I had to be around I would end up shooting him his character began to grow on you. I also liked how towards the end the thieves and assasins guild rivalries were resolved. Well I guess all good things must come to an end.

12/7/00-Ok so just in case you haven't heard the Gambit's last issue is this month. The people at marvel decided to cancel some spin-offs because they thought there were to many so Gambit was one of them that got the boot. So this is what I think about it. I think the idea totally sucks ass. When I read about it it pissed me off very much but it made me think of one good thing. At least it's a couple dollars less that I have to spend on comic books a month. That's the only positive I could think of. What really pissed me off though was recently it was one of the only ones I was reading because I thought it was a very good comic but like they say nothing can last forever. I thought it was the only comic were they portrayed Gambit in a good way. I liked how they always had tons of action and you got to see him stealing a lot. You also had all the other intresting characters so to me this is bad news.

11/9/00- Alright my opinions keep changing on many things once again. I can never make up my mind on things and stick to it but that's a different story. Anyway once again I don't like Rogue I just thought I'd make that clear. But that isn't the focus of my recent thoughts. I'm just warning you about how there might be some more rants about her again in my thoughts in the future.

My focus for now is compramised of what they've done with Remy over the past so many moths. I think the've made some very intresting things happen.

1.)I liked how in Gambit #16 he kept throwing things in Rogue's face such as how she left him in Antartica. I won't elabotate on this thought to much though because it will also be mentioned in the comic section.

2.)I really like what they're doing with his powers. It's really turining things up a notch. I like that he can charge animate objects now and not just inanimate and also that he can do it with a thought now if he so wishes. I really think it's taking an intresting turn.

3.)Another thing I really like is Gambit as the leader of the X-Men. I think he really deserves it. With his skills I believe he really is one of the only ones worthy of this job. Think about it as a thief you have to contemplate the best strategy as you would as a leader plus he has access to so many things. I also like the fact that he was leading the thieves guild and now leading the unified guild of assasins and theives.

Well that about covers it until I have more to complain or give comments about.

1/26/00-Ok once again I have to speak my mind on quite a few things. Once again I'm not fond of Rouge(what's new) the reason is the last time I read a comic book she was telling Gambit that it would never work between them. I can't remember what issue that was in though because I haven't read to much X-Men lately. I have however continued to read Gambit. The reason I haven't read much X-Men was because they can't decide weather or not to keep him in the X-Men so I only read the ones that he's in and I'm even behind on that. As for the fact that he's leader now I think that's pretty cool but I haven't even read that either. And I can definatly tell you that I loved the fact that Cyclops died. I found that very wonderful. The fact that I really don't have much to comment on about those two things I just mentioned really leads me to believe that I need to get caught up so I'm probably going to have to go out and read back issues.

(8/31/99)Ok here goes. First off I'll let you know that I havn't been into X-Men comic books all that long. I started collecting them just two issues before the trial of Gambit. The reason I got into them was my boyfriend was a big Gambit fan and once I started going out with him it's all I ever heard about. At that time I didn't event know who Gambit was. Before going out with him the only ones I ever knew about were Wolverine, Cyke, Jubille, Beast, Jean Grey, and Storm. And at that time I thought Wolverine was the only cool X-Men. However I did not read them or follow them at all. Anyway my boyfriend started getting fed up with me saying that Wolverine could kick his ass anyday. Especially since I hardly knew anything about the Cajun. So one day made me sit down and read the Gambit Limited Series and I loved it. Then as further confirmation that he was better than Wolverine he had me watch the cartoons. Then I was a believer that GAMBIT CAN KICK SOME ASS. The main reason I started likeing him was because he was a major smart ass, which to me is always a good quaity, he was very different from the others, he's a thief, and he is an awsome fighter. There's also many other reasons. I loved the fact that he had long hair, even though it's no longer long. About a couple months later I started collecting them. Unfortunetly it was only a couple issues before the trial of Gambit.

Alright so by the time I got to issue #350 and read the end I was quite pissed. I didn't see why they all treated him like shit because of what he had done when they had all done stupid stuff in their lives (especially Rouge and Jean Grey). Alright I said I didn't collect comics or know too much about the characters before I met my boyfriend but that doesn't mean that I didn't know about some stuff because I've always known people who were into comics. Anyway when he didn't show up for along time in the comics I was extreamly pissed and having bad withdrawls of Gambit and started getting all the back issues that I possibly could that had him in there.

Like I said through out this website, when they brought him back and I also found out that they were giving him his own monthly title I was litterally jumping up and down for joy. And you can view my opinions in my comic book section. If you want to find out my complete opinions check the comic book and the first page because it's littered with them and I don't feel like having to retype them.

Alright in December I was finally able to hunt down his first appearence and that was another thing I was jumping up and down for since I had been looking for it ever since I started collecting it and was unable to find it. Well that's basically about it.

Alright Alright I guess I should mention this here instead of secretly hideing it and not being honest I think (not sure) that I have done alot of Rogue bashing if not I probably forgot to add my thoughts on her and now I shall admit once again I am starting to see that her character is not so bad they have gotten better with her and she doesn't seem like she's going to be having Gambit on a fishing pole so I'm okay with her until she proves otherwise.

Ok I've been thinking about it again and I've decided that I don't care to much for Rogue again. I don't know why but she's lost her appeal again. I'm hopeing that sooner or later they either improve her character or find him someone else. She's trying to get a relationship with Gambit again and that doesn't bother me but her character just isn't too intresting anymore. That's my latest thoughts on that.

Your the... to

actually care what I have to think since I put this counter up on December 7, 2000