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True Baloo

written by Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss

November 1994 Disney Adventures

Panel 1: The Sea Duck swoops high above the island of Wannanonow, home of the ancient Ceeitall tribe.

BALOO: Man oh man, I never thought I'd see the day I'd be working for Shere Khan!

KIT: I still don't get why he hired us! If he really has learned where this legendary Mirror of Truth is, why doesn't he just pick it up himself?

BALOO: I dunno, Li'l Britches! Maybe the Ceeitall Temple is dangerous!

Panel 2: Baloo, Kit, Rebecca and Wildcat approach the temple.

REBECCA: Thanks, Baloo. That makes me feel so much better about coming along.

WILDCAT: Hey, does this mirror give you all the answers to, like, all the questions you ever had in your whole life?

BALOO: I dunno that either, Wildcat! I don't even know what it looks like!

Panel 3: Inside the temple corridor.

REBECCA: What do you know, Baloo?

BALOO: I know Khan'll pay us three thousand smackers to find it! REBECCA: Oh.

Meanwhile, Wildcat notices something on the wall.


Panel 4: Wildcat points to the object. Baloo approaches carrying a cloth.

WILDCAT: Wow, Baloo, take a look at this! They got a picture of me in here! But it's not me...gosh, it looks better'n me, but it's still me! I mean...

BALOO: Wildcat--you found it!

Panel 5: Baloo covers the mirror with the cloth.

BALOO: Don't look into it! It could be dangerous!

WILDCAT: Oh, no, Baloo, it's not dangerous at all! Here, see for yourself!

Panel 6: Wildcat pulls the cloth off. Baloo, Kit and Rebecca stare into the mirror in amazement.

WILDCAT: Pretty neat, huh?

BALOO: Is that us?

KIT: It looks like us, but...

REBECCA: It's the truth...the true images of who we are inside...

Panel 7: Enter Don Karnage and the Air Pirates (Mad Dog, Dumptruck, Hacksaw.)

KARNAGE: Knockity-knock! Can we come in?

BALOO: Karnage! Wh-what're you doin' here?!

KARNAGE: Why, following yourselves, of course! You know, Baloo, it is amazing how many treasures you find that I take away!

Panels 8 & 9: Baloo covers the mirror before facing off with Karnage. Karnage draws his sword and brandishes it.

KARNAGE: Now step aside! I want that truth doohickey behind you!

BALOO: Why? So you can look at yourself to see if your brains are leakin'? C'mon, Karny! You wouldn't know the truth if you sat in a pile of it!

KARNAGE: As usual, Baloo, you are wrong! I love the truth and I love mirrors, the truth being that I look so handsome in a mirror! You see? Simple!

BALOO: Ya stupid pirate, this isn't any old mirror!

Panel 10: Baloo, Kit, Wildcat and Rebecca are surrounded by pirates and marched forward.

KARNAGE: Of course not! It is any old mirror that Shere Khan will be happy to pay an enormous ransom for, hee-hee! Now come come, after me, this way!

Panel 11: Karnage lowers the arm of a green idol and a section of the floor rolls back to reveal a pit of alligators. Baloo, Kit, Rebecca and Wildcat stare, horrified, into the pit. Dumptruck is carrying the covered mirror away.

KARNAGE: Ah, so nice of this old temple to come equipped with its own torture chamber, eh? It has been occurring to myself that the alligators must be very hungry!

REBECCA: *gasp* You wouldn't!

KARNAGE: Of course I would!

Panel 12: Baloo, Kit, Rebecca and Wildcat are tied up with rope and suspended upside down from the ceiling above the pit. A swinging pendelum with a sharpened edge is moving ever closer to the rope holding them up from falling. Karnage walks away.

KARNAGE: So sorry I cannot stay for dinner, but I have a mirror to ransom! Bon appetit, Baloo!

Panel 13: Baloo gets an idea.

BALOO: Wait, Karny! Don'tcha wanna look into it yourself? Aren't ya even a teensy bit curious?

KARNAGE: I do not believe all this hokity-pokity nonsense about truth! On the other foot, I never tire of my own perfect reflection either!

Panel 14: The mirror is leaning against the wall. Dumptruck shuts his eyes and pulls the cloth away from it. Karnage looks into it, sees the truth of his inner self reflected back at him, and jumps off the floor, all his fur standing on end as he screams in terror.

Panel 15: Karnage runs out of the temple in horror! His pirates are right behind him.

MAD DOG: Cap'n! Cap'n, are you okay? Wait for us!!

Panel 16: But Baloo, Kit, Wildcat and Rebecca are still hanging above the pit and the rope is getting thinner!

BALOO: Aw, great! Now whadda we do?

KIT: Allow me, Poppa Bear!

Kit throws his airfoil at the idol. The airfoil hits the idol's arm and knocks it back to its previous raised position.

Panel 17: Since the idol's arm is back in place, the gator pit closes again. The pendulum finally cuts though the rope. Baloo, Kit, Rebecca and Wildcat land with a WHOMP on the floor.

Panel 18: The Sea Duck flies off into the sunset.

KIT: But why are we leaving the Mirror of Truth behind? Khan won't pay us without it!

BALOO: Maybe so, Li'l Britches, but it's too dangerous to give to somebody like Khan! Besides, ya don't need a fancy mirror to see the truth about yourself--all ya gotta do is look inside!

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