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A Friend

by, Max The Poet


I think I have told you, one hundred times,

How much you mean to me,

You see, we are good friends.

We know each other pretty well.

When you hurt, I hurt.

And all I want to do is, take your hurt away.


My attraction to you is not physical or shallow.

It is deep rooted in the person that you are.

The beautiful heart that lives inside of you,

And all the wonderful things that make you who you are.


I know you are having a rough time right now.

And you have trusted me to help you through it.

You have shared your deepest feelings and,

I am honored that I mean that much to you.


I promise I will be here for you,

No matter when you may need me.

Whether to listen, or to hold you tight.

I will be here for you.


I hope I am not making you cry

Lord knows, you have done enough of that in your lifetime.

I am trying to get you to see, that I love you very much.


Our relationship is not one sided, you are there for me too.

When I am down, you get me to laugh.

I have learned much from you.

It is hard to believe that someone so young, could teach

An old man like me, what life is about.


Finally, I want to say that I am grateful for all you are.

Never stop being you, because you are beautiful,

and I love you. 



My Lonely Heart

by, Max The Poet


My heart is lonely and needs some love,

It requires tender care,

It also needs someone near,

So that pain and sorrow, it can bear.


My heart is lonely, when things get rough,

It needs something, to make it strong,

It wants to give and give some more,

And sail to each and every shore.


My heart is lonely without you,

Because of all the things you do,

Your gentle touch and caring way,

Can make my heart feel better today.


My heart will tell you this, for certain,

I cannot hide it behind a curtain,

It is that, life without you near,

Makes my heart, lonely, my dear.


A mountain of hope is waiting,

My heart is anticipating,

I love you so very much,

My heart is lonely for your touch.



Come And Be With Me

by, Max The Poet


Come and be with me,

I can feel your heart beating,

I am longing for you touch,

Two hearts together, completing.


Come and be with me,

Purest of Angels sent,

I am wanting you more and more,

Can you hear my heart’s lament?


Come and be with me,

Here atop the mountain,

My love for you is pouring forth,

A lover’s vibrant fountain.


Come and be with me,

I will do my part,

I will love you like no one can,

Like I have right from the start.


Come and be with me,

Together we can do most anything,

We can harvest the fruits of love each day,

We can conquer all that life may bring.


Come and be with me,

I promise that I will always be,

The one who loves unselfishly,

If you will come and be with me.



Tribute To The Poets

by, Max The Poet


We are the poets of the world,

Sharing our thoughts and our words,

Writing about all the beauty in life,

The sorrow, the love, the Earth, and the birds.


We are the poets of the world,

Writing for others to simpler see,

We show our care for all mankind,

The moon, the stars, and the sea.


We are the poets of the world,

Come and see into our hearts,

See all of the hidden treasures,

The rhymes, the why's, and the have nots.


We are the poets of the world,

We are the fragrance of the rose,

Together we build a more beautiful world,

Our thoughts, our words, our prose...


God's speed, precious poets....



When We Met

by, Max The Poet 


When we met, the world began changing for me,

Nothing is as it use to be,

Forever is just a moment away,

The love we share, will surely stay.


When we met, the heavens began to sing,

Every little thing means more to me,

Who could have known what time would bring,

Or the way things would turn out to be.


When we met, we shared something grand,

We shared our hearts, an unspoken plan,

We trusted each other and laughed a lot,

Each of us, always doing our part.


When we met, I knew a friend did I make,

I promise to be here and never forsake,

You inner beauty I will never forget,

I knew this would be, when we met.



Falling In Love With You

by, Max The Poet


Another day goes by,

Again my heart is heavy,

Weighted down by an emptiness,

That only you can fill.


I have asked myself a thousand times,

If I am just dreaming about you and me,

The answer is clear and constant,

We are destined to be.


I am falling in love with you,

Deeper, I fall, with each moment that I live,

The words “I love you” ring out constantly,

I have so much love I want to give.


My bed is so cold since you left,

It is hardly a place to rest,

Perhaps it will never be the same,

Perhaps I’ve had the best.


And when I sleep, I dream of you,

Your hair, your smile, your touch,

I am falling in love with you,

I want you so very much.


And once upon a life or two,

I need to say once more,

I am falling in love with you,

The best is yet in store.


I Am Thinking About You

 by, Max The Poet


I find myself checking my e-mail all the time,

Wondering if you have dropped me a line,

And many times, I am surprised to see,

That you too, had been thinking of me.


It is awesome to me how we met,

It is something I will never forget,

You seem so bright and interesting too,

I am so glad that I have found you.


Somehow, I feel like we have known each other before,

And that we had walked together by the sea shore,

I don't know why I think this way,

But, it is a thought that I just had to say.


I'll be here checking my mail,

You’re checking too. I will not fail

To send you a note, and poetry too,

To let you know, I am thinking of you.



Angel Love

by, Max The Poet 


She is all I ever dreamed of,

She is all I ever see,

She is everything that is beautiful,

She is an Angel to me.


More wonderful than flowers,

More wonderful than snow,

More wonderful than anything,

She is the best I know.


An angel to me, that's what she is,

An angel to love and hold,

An angel that comforts me,

And keeps me warm when I’m  cold.


I am beckoning her to be with me,

I am beckoning her to share,

I am beckoning her to spend her life,

Going with me everywhere.


An angel of love, is what I see,

Pure as wings upon a dove,

Angel of my heart and soul,

My sweetly scented, angel love.



Friend Of Mine

by, Max The Poet 


I met someone who is really cool,

Upon the Internet,

She found me there when I was blue,

It’s something I can’t forget.


Like an angel who is all knowing,

And a prayer that was answered fast,

She knew just where my heart was going,

And lots about my past.


We shared some things, me and her,

That no one else should know,

We laughed, we cried, till there was a tear,

Our friendship sure did grow.


Today I write this simple poem,

To thank you for being my friend,

I am glad we met this way,

Friends until the end.



by, Max The Poet


She was born to us one day,

Not too long ago,

She was one of the six little fur balls,

That were born among the snow.


Not long was her time here,

Her days were very sad,

You see, she was imperfect,

Many problems, she had.


So to sleep she has gone,

Back where she came from,

The choice was made,

To give her, her freedom.


So long dear friend,

We shall miss you forever,

Your spunky attitude,

And how you were clever.


And when we meet again,

And when you’re whole and new,

Remember always, that we loved you,

It was something we had to do.


God’s peace, God’s rest, be with you,

You’re forever in our heart,

No matter how much time will pass,

You will never be forgotten.


Just Yesterday

by, Max The Poet


Just yesterday, or so it seems, we met,

Yes, completing the search for romance,

How could we forget,

The very unusual circumstance.


You asked me a thousand questions,

I asked you lots more,

We hit it off without trying,

Like we have done this all before.


My soul communicates with yours,

Our hearts are beating the same tune,

We have seen the same sea shores,

We have wished upon, the same lovers moon.


I wished a wish for you just today,

And made one wish for myself,

I am wishing together we’ll stay,

We are each others wealth.


A wealth of love and happiness,

More than words can say,

I love you more and more, my princess,

Much more than just yesterday.


There Was A Time

by, Max The Poet


There was a time in my life,

I couldn’t see,

All the beauty,

That surrounded me.


There was a time,

When all things were gray,

I would simply be hoping,

Everything went away.


There was a time,

When my life was so blue,

No meaning I found,

In the things that I'd do.


And then, there was a time,

When everything was clear,

I was able to do most anything,

I overcame my fear.


There was a time, when I felt alone,

I would hang around the house,

And talk on the phone,

Then suddenly came you,

Suddenly, I had grown.


I remember those times,

And remember the past,

The days of longing,

For something to last.


And now is the time,

I cherish so dear,

The best of times,

Having you near.


My friend who consoles me,

My friend that I love,

You were sent by an Angel,

Sent from above.


This poem is for you,

It ends in a rhyme,

I know how to love now,

But, there was a time.


Your Scent

by, Max The Poet


Inspired by you, that's me,

It is a familiar place,

For me to be.


Last night was the best,

Nothing compares to your beauty,

The softness of your skin,

Your beautiful scent.


All of this has me in spin,

What should I say?

Where do I begin?


I guess I will say that I am falling fast,

You have set me free,

From all of my past.


I am hoping that I will not wake up from this dream,

And that things are really

As wonderful, as they seem.


My life has been blessed,

With your presence and such,

The warmth of your love,

Your tender touch.


I am promising this,

To you my dear friend,

I am falling in love,

In love, till the end.


Remember these words,

They are well meant,

Each moment with you,

Is time, well spent.



Absolute Love

by, Max The Poet 


Nothing is brilliant beside her,

Everything seems bland,

She can brighten the darkest day,

With just the touch of her hand.


A smile, a kiss, a hug or two,

Are things that she does well,

A shoulder, an ear, a faithful friend,

All these reasons that I fell.


Marvelous, fantastic, extraordinary,

Are words that describe her being,

She is all these things and so much more,

She has given my life new meaning.


Absolute love, that’s what she gives,

True and faithful unto me,

My life will never be the same,

Part of me, she’ll always be.


Absolute love in every sense,

The epitome of grace,

 That smile, that laugh, how sweet to see,

Absolute love, upon her face.



My Soul Mate

by, Max The Poet


Love has not eluded me,

 Love has just begun,

Together we are each day,

Our hearts beat as one.


We share the same blue sky each day,

And we are thinking the same thing,

We call each other at the very same moment,

To speak of what our day did bring.


I am so in love with you,

Your soul is my soul,

My heart forsakes me not,

Forever together, our heart's goal.


My soul mate, my lover,

My best friend for all time,

Listen to me heart once more,

Our souls, forever, completely, intertwine.



I love you.  Love, Me

 by, Max The Poet


Missing you as I do,

Longing for your touch,

You are all I am thinking about,

I never needed someone so much.


The time is drawing near,

For you to make a choice,

You will do what is right for us,

Listen to your inner voice.


I can not bear to be without you,

Not one minute more,

I want to wake each day,

And walk with you some more.


I want to be the one you kiss good night,

I want to be the one that you hold real tight,

I want to be the one who is your everything,

I want to be the one who stands beside you,

No matter what our lives may bring.


I am here, waiting for your return,

Every second an eternity,

My heart and its constant yearn,

For you to come home to me.


Nothing compares to our love,

We were destined to be,

Time may change many things,

But, I will always love you,




One Single Rose
by, Max The Poet 


Just one single rose is my gift today,

To show how much I care,

Telling how much you mean to me,

And my life with you, I want to share.


Just one single rose,

From my hands to your heart,

The fragrant beauty contained therein,

From me shall never part.


Just one single rose,

Not dozens or bouquets,

The beauty is not in the number,

Nor is it the quality of the vase.


Just one single rose,

For you my dearest friend,

Enjoy its fragrance and its beauty,

I love you till the end.


Just one single rose,

That lasts but a little while,

It contains all that I see,

When I see your smile.


So remember this, my friend, my lover,

This single rose is beautiful, true,

And still with all its beauty,

It cannot compare with you.

"To everyone with the beauty of a single rose in his or her heart."



When Can We

by, Max The Poet


When can we sit and watch the sunrise,

When can we snuggle the whole night through,

I would give everything I own,

For just a minute more with you.


When can we be together,

When can we walk down at the beach,

I want to do all these things,

For it is you that I seek.


When can we spend our moments,

Holding each other close,

When can we make love till dawn,

These are the things I want the most.


When can I tell you how much I love you,

When can you understand my care,

When will we make this legal,

And for the rest of our lives, share.


When can we start our new life,

When can we realize our dreams,

When can we build our life together,

Nothing is as it seems.


When can we be together again,

So I may share how I feel,

I believe we are meant for each other,

This love I have for you is real.



Knowing You

by, Max The Poet


Knowing you has been a blessing to me,

 My purpose in life, I clearly see,

Next to you is where I want to be.

Knowing you is all a man could ask,

You keep me focused upon my task,

 The love we share will always last.


 Knowing you as well as I do,

 Makes my heart sing with rhythm anew,

All I want to do is love you.


Knowing you love me,

 Holding your hand,

 Touching your skin,

 Our foot prints in the sand,

 All of this has made me a better man.


Our hearts beat as one,

 You are present to me in all that I do,

 I will always feel this way,

 My soul mate, I am so happy for knowing you.


Poetry Is

by, Max The Poet 


Some say poetry is for the soul,

 Some say it is for the heart,

 I myself believe it's more,

 Now where should I start?


Poetry is like eyes,

 For those who can not see,

 And legs to those who can not walk,

 And speech for those in need.


 Poetry is music to my ears,

 A steady beat of love,

 It is gentle as a rose,

 Or wings upon a dove.


 Poetry eases the mind,

 Expression pours from within,

 Understanding emits from every word,

 And life is contained therein.


Poetry nurtures our beings,

 To see things in a new light,

 To dare to dream and face the truth,

 Things will surely be all right.


 To all of you who have understood,

 And have encouraged me to write,

 Thanks for sharing yourselves with me,

 You keep my future bright.


 Poetry is many things,

 And each of us sees it differently,

 Thanks for your inspiration,

 You mean so very much to me.


One Day Soon

by, Max The Poet


One day soon, we will be together,

Never to part, forever close by.

We will endure stormy weather,

At least I know I will try.


One day soon, everything will find its place,

Our dream of happiness will be reality,

Happiness will be upon your face,

And all things will be clear to see.


We know each other and how we feel,

I wouldn't change a thing,

I will be there to help you through,

No matter what the future may bring.


Together as two can be,

That is how we shall spend our time,

And until the day when we leave this Earth,

I am yours and you are mine.


One day soon, we will walk along the shore,

Souls entwined, the deepest love we'll share,

Loneliness and sorrow will be no more,

For each other we shall care.


One day soon, I promise it's true,

I will hold you close and not let go,

Nothing compares to the beauty of you,

My love for you, I will always show.

Waiting For You
by, Max The Poet


She is all a man could ever want,

She is all a heart could need,

She is everything that is good,

And more than that to me.


I love her so, with all my heart,

I long for her tender touch,

She is all I ever wanted,

I never wanted anything this much.


She's left me now,

And I am sad,

But, I think that she'll return,

But for now, I will sit and wait,

My heart for hers will yearn.


Come and be with me,

Words I have said often,

I am lonely now and very sad,

In time the pain will soften.


Be with me and share my life,

I promise to be true,

I can not go on living this way,

Lonely and broken hearted without you.  



You Are Loved

by, Max The Poet 


Every moment of every day, you are loved,

Every time I hear our favorite song, you are loved,

Every time I hear your name, you are loved,

Do you know that you are loved?


I can only smile when I think of you,

Your eyes tell the story each time I look into them,

Your beauty amazes me,

I am compelled to say how much you are loved.


When I think of you, I think of us,

I can hear our children playing,

I can see the house we live in,

I can feel your presence.


You are loved beyond telling,

I can not imagine my life without you in it,

I need you so very much,

The way you hug, the way you touch.


I know that you are wondering,

Why I am saying this today,

It is because I miss you so,

You are loved in every way.



Meeting You

by, Max The Poet 


I finally broke down and listened to a friend,

Who told me of this woman who was neat,

She was on the Internet for a while,

Looking for someone to meet.


When I messaged her, I knew right then,

We were going to be very good friends,

She was neat and fun in every way,

I can't wait to talk to her every day.


She is cute, and kind, and very smart,

I just hate it when we have to part,

I look forward to the next chat or two,

So I can again be with her.


I will never regret one second I spent,

Sharing my life with her, heaven sent,

She is sensitive and caring and sweet as could be,

I just want to hug her and hold her close to me.


I write this poem for you my dear friend,

Remember this time that we do spend,

Sharing our hearts and our inner beings,

My poem today has several meanings.


What meanings do you ask,

They are meant with a special task,

To convey to you how special you are,

I have wished for you upon a bright star,


My wish was simple and constant you see,

The wish I made was really for me,

The wish I made asked God to send,

Someone special, someone neat, He sent you, my dear friend.


You and Me

by, Max The Poet


Few are the moments that I am not sad,

I am missing you every moment, every day,

Wondering when I will see you again,

And when you will come my way.


I can still smell your perfume,

I can recall every word you spoke,

The way you looked at me,

And the laugh you gave at every joke.


Complex is our situation,

Not easy and very trying,

I just wish that I was there,

To wipe away all the tears that I know you're crying.


I promise my love is true,

That forever more, I'll love you,

And that I will help you get through,

And I will be there for you,

No matter what you may do.


I miss you so, I need you here,

Things are not the same,

Only visions of your beauty,

Do in my mind remain.


Come be with me, my one true love,

And let's begin again,

I promise to be true to you,

Loving you until the end.


My Love Is With You

by, Max The Poet 


Don't give up, things will work out,

Time is the healer of everything,

Put your best foot forward, chin raised high,

You handle most anything.


You are not alone in your tribulation,

Know that I am with you,

I am cheering in your direction,

Praying, and helping get you through.


When you are alone and weary,

I will lend a hand,

Completing together the biggest tasks,

Alone, you do not stand.


I raise my glass and toast my friend,

Whom I have loved for years,

Remember that forever and always,

I will wipe away your tears.


For years to come, until the end,

I will be right there at your side,

Miles will not change anything,

My love for you goes far and wide.


I Prayed This Prayer

by, Max The Poet


I said a special prayer for you,

Tonight before bed,

I prayed the Lord would comfort you,

Down the road you head.


I prayed He’d send his angels,

To rest upon your heart,

To protect you from all harm and fear,

They were with you from the start.


I prayed that peace and harmony,

Be with you as you go,

That you may see His blessings,

And blessings to others show.


I prayed for a swift ending,

To all you’re going through,

That patient endurance you may have,

No matter what you do.


The prayer was short and I know it was heard,

By He who made a promise,

That He would always be there for

All who paid Him homage.


I prayed this prayer for you my love,

Because I love you so,

I said this prayer for you my dear,

I thought that you should know.



Trust In Him

by, Max The Poet


I believe there’s an answer,

To every prayer,

Someone is listening,

And really does care.


I know it seems hopeless,

And the outlook is dim,

Give God your worry,

Place all your trust in Him.


He knows how your feeling,

He hears every cry,

Tears He does see,

Everyone, from your eye.


Allow Him to work,

All His miracles true,

For He loves you so much,

He'd do anything for you.


Rest well assured,

His promise is true,

Give Him your worry,

He knows what to do.


You will begin,

To see differently,

He is the healer,

He loves you, He loves me.



Thoughts Of Thee

by, Max The Poet


I am nothing without you,

My soul needs you to live,

I want so much to be with you,

I have so much love to give.


Never before have I felt this way,

My thoughts are running wild,

Every moment you're on my mind,

My thoughts are all misfiled.


I keep returning to that place in time,

Where you and I first met,

That smile of yours, your shy first look,

It is something I will never forget.


I feel so alive and happy inside,

You have done this to me,

You have taught me about true love,

You have set my soul free.


I need you to know how much your are loved,

And that I am always thinking of you,

I love you more than anything,

And there is nothing more I like to do.


All I Want To Say

by, Max The Poet


I am compelled to say some things,

That have been in my heart,

Words are hard, they do not just come to me,

But I have felt this from the start.


I guess I should just come out and say,

That for quite some time, I've felt this way,

We are very close, and you are lots of fun,

We have shared so many things,

My heart you have won.


You see I fear rejection,

So I do not wear my heart to see,

So I am trusting you will understand,

How this came to be.


I first began falling for you,

The moment that we met,

I have admired you from a distance,

Your every word, I can't forget.


I just want to be with you,

Every moment of every day,

My heart skips a beat,

Every time you look my way.


No one has ever made me feel like I do,

I am certain that you're my soul mate,

I want a chance to try this out,

One more minute, I can't wait.


I hope you understand,

My love for you is real,

I had to let you know,

Just the way I feel.

I love you....



I Am So In Love With You

by, Max The Poet 


More than anyone could love, 

You are loved by me,

We belong together,

This is plain to see.


I am waiting patiently,

For with you the prize is wonderful,

I feel emptiness tearing at my heart,

Each and every moment while we are apart.


I long for your return,

The return of my soul mate,

I will not despair because I know,

To me you shall return. I just need to wait.


I simply needed to say how much you're missed,

And to let you know that I am longing for you,

And until you and I can be together again,

There is this I must say. You already knew,

I am so in love with you.



About Us....

by, Max The Poet


A little something for you my sweet,

Because I love you so,

I really think that you are neat,

I just had to let you know.


We are like peanut butter and jelly,

And bread with some butter,

Together do we belong,

You make my heart flutter.


You are interesting to me in every way,

I love to chat with you,

Best are the times that we are together,

We have fun no matter what we do.


So, just to say thanks and to show that I care,

I wrote this poem for you,

You are thought of day and night,

In all things that I do.


I do not know what tomorrow brings,

Nor do I know where our road leads,

But I can promise this, my sweet,

I will nurture our love's seed.


And if it grows into a might tree,

Or a simple evergreen,

We do share a special bond,

No one else has seen.


Forever and always, I promise this too,

That I am glad we are friends,

Remember always and forever more,

My love for you never ends.


Internet Love

by, Max The Poet 


Meeting you on the net,

Was like finding a rare jewel,

We hit it off right from the start,

I think you are really cool.


Each night since then I sit and wait,

Then suddenly, there you are,

Like magic you came, just when I needed it,

I wished it on a star.


We chat and chat till morning light,

Has rested upon my door,

We laugh, we cry, we share so much,

Neither knowing what's in store.


I love the time we spend in chat,

Or talking on the phone,

You are so special to me,

True friendship you have shown.


I needed to say how much I care,

And that of you I have grown quite fond,

We share a rare and special love,

A kindred sort of bond.


Who could have known that you were there,

Out on the Internet,

I will treasure every moment I live,

You I will never forget.


If times get hard and you need an ear,

Or someone to hug you tight,

I will be sitting right here,

I'll hold you tight all night.


And soon, perhaps, we can meet each other,

And see where things may lead,

For now, just know I love you so,

You fill my every need.



Southern Belle

by, Max The Poet


I finally got up the nerve,

To say how much you mean too me,

You didn't even laugh,

You are surely something that's seldom seen.


Truer than life or courage and strength,

You have shared so much with me,

Together we've grown to newer heights,

Some place that I like to be.


I want to say that I am glad,

That a Southern Belle like you,

Could find me worthy of spending time with,

And my promise I renew.


I promise to be all that you ask,

And I promise to listen well,

I promise this forever and always,

I love you, can you tell?



You Are So Beautiful

by, Max The Poet


Beautiful to me in every way,

Are you for whom I've fallen,

You have touched me in so many ways,

My destiny is calling.


Foretold, so many years ago,

A love that was so true,

I never thought I'd find it here,

Find it here with you.


You are so beautiful in so many ways,

It is truly overwhelming,

I just clam up and start to stutter,

My heart you are melting.


I think it is time for you to know,

How truly blessed I feel,

You have made me feel love again,

Now I know it's real.


I will always be here loving you,

Basking in your beauty,

Close by your side I shall be,

For I love you truly.




by, Max The Poet


I often wonder what it is about me that you like,

We talk about so much,

Yet, part of me wonders,

How could you love me the way you do.


I guess it is because I am honest and sincere,

Perhaps it is because I love to have you near,

Or maybe it is the fact that we are so much alike,

I think I will just ask you, to see if I am right.


I want to let you know why I love you so,

I think perhaps you may already know,

You are everything I ever dreamed of,

You hold me close and show me love,

You laugh with me, and cry with me, you even trusted me,

You are everything that a woman should be.


You are just what I wanted,

Loving, kind, and gentle,

My search is over, I will forget the rest,

Because with you, I have the best.

I love you.



Your Kiss

by, Max The Poet


In love with you,

Faster, my heart beats,

Regretting not one minute,

I’ve ever spent with you.


Your kiss has captured me,

Taken me off my feet,

It is in the essence of your being,

The softness of your lips.


The passionate way in which we touch,

Our lips pressed firmly together,

Your tongue caresses my mouth, my lips,

A fire builds within us.


Nothing can compare to your kiss,

It is what I truly miss,

Each day while we are out working,

For you my heart is still searching.


To rekindle the fire those lips have started,

It is only a memory,

Since we parted,

But you will return this evening to me,

And the fire will build, most definitely.


You are so beautiful,

And passionate too,

It is no wonder,

That I love you.


I sit here and marvel,

At your beauty, so bliss,

I am lost and entranced,

In your loving kiss.




by, Max The Poet


There are so many things about you that I love,

I could write forever and never mention them all,

Our love has evolved so deeply,

Deeper in love, each day, I fall.


You and I are the best of friends,

We know each others' ups and downs,

Somehow, you always cheer my day,

You make smiles appear, where there were frowns.


For this my love, I am forever in debt,

Meeting you, I will never regret,

I have great hopes for you and I,

I want to be with you, till the day that I die.


For with you, the cup is flavored with Gold,

This kind of love, can not be sold,

Nor can this love ever be bought,

This love is what we truly sought.


I will not ration my love for you,

For I feel deeply, this I must do,

I will share my love with you each day,

In love with you, I shall always stay.




by, Max The Poet


Her skin is perfect in every way,

Her hair, done just right,

The kind of woman you long to hold,

Deep into the night.


Her eyes are on fire with passion,

Her lips as smooth as can be,

These are all the qualities,

Most men look for, you see.


The "just poured into" look of her jeans,

The way she struts her stuff,

All these so important,

To so many of us.


But, that is just a shallow look,

Into someone with a most beautiful heart,

That is where the beauty lies,

And where I will choose to start.


Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder,

But beauty also has so many faces,

It is found within the person,

And in so many other places.


Better to love a heart and soul first,

Then to lust of over the flesh, the look,

Better to love someone who's real,

Than to fall in love for someone in a book.


Wise men will seek the soul,

And look deep within a heart,

A true and steadfast love will be found,

Choose wisely from the start.



What Time?

by, Max The Poet


Everyday, when I get home,

I log on and check my mail,

I look to see if you've thought of me,

You did. You do not fail.


My life is touched in so many ways,

Since we met on the Net,

We have found the truest kind of love,

We shall not forget.


I never thought that I could fall,

For someone I hadn’t seen,

But sure enough, fall I did,

I can't count the things you mean.


We chat and chat, then chat some more,

Till we can see the sunrise,

It is a dance of love we share,

When I look into your eyes.

When we say good night and go our ways,

I leave with you with a rhyme,

I simply say, when can we chat again,

I need to know what time.


What time will you be on again,

Can we journey forever,

I can’t wait till next we chat,

So we can be together. 




Us Four

by, Max The Poet 


As long as there is breath in my body,

I will be grateful for knowing you three,

You have caused me to grow,

In way I never thought could be.


We met in Angel Winks Chat,

When I was so, so blue,

I don't know what I would have done,

If it weren't for you.


Somehow, we hit it off,

Sharing so much of our lives,

We shared our joy and happiness,

We even shared the knives in our sides.



Grateful forever, and I shall never forget,

The three friends I made, who gave a damn,

Thanks for loving me and sharing your lives,

Thanks for accepting me for who I am.


We meet again, and we shall continue,

To be good friends forever you see,

I shall never forget my three friends,

Rita, Willow, and Mistery.


I LOVE YOU GUYS..  Max The Poet



My Soul’s Mate

by, Max The Poet 


Can I say all that I'd like to,

About you, my girl, my soul mate,

Meeting you is the greatest thing,

It was destiny and fate.


Two hearts beating a common rhythm,

Like rain falling on the ground,

Beautiful music we do make,

A pleasant and fulfilling sound.


We belonged together from the start,

Each of us, doing our own part,

Unrehearsed, our lines are said,

Like somewhere else, a book we read.


Steady cadence, a common plan,

You are my woman, and I am your man,

Have I said it correctly,

Do you understand?


You are everything I ever dreamt,

I am sure you were heaven sent,

Forever in love with you I'll be,

Soul mates, lovers, best friends,

You and me.



How Much Longer

by, Max The Poet


How much longer can this go on,

My crying and longing for you?

Since we parted it is the only thing,

That I ever seem to do.


How much longer will my heart be alone,

Searching for all that it needs,

We had so much, you and I,

Your love, my heart feeds.


How much longer will you and I,

Be a memory from our past?

Why can't we just run away,

And our love together last?


How much longer can I go on,

Wishing you were near?

I can not bear losing you,

It is the one thing that I fear.


A fire of passion and true love's glory,

Is our love, and it is growing stronger,

A fairy tale love, is our story,

I can't wait. How much longer?


 How About A Life

by, Max The Poet


  I have wondered about us much,

 Why we are not together and such,

 Why things that seem so very right,

 Could be clouded and shrouded by the night.


 You are all I ever think of,

 Your soft skin and gentle touch,

 Just the very thought of you,

 Makes me want you so much.


 We live too separate lives you and me,

 And others complicate our chance to be,

 But when I close my eyes and think,

 You are all that I can see.


 Someday soon, I hope and pray,

 That together we will be, forever to stay,

 I just know we are meant for each other,

 And that you should be, my only lover.


 Until that time when our lives do meet,

 Separate, yet harmonious, our hearts shall beat,

 I will not give up on us, you see,

 You are the one God sent for me.



Let’s Run Away

by, Max The Poet


God, I feel so lonely,

While you are far from me,

You are my one and only,

With you is where I want to be.


I promised myself that I would tell you,

Just how much I cared,

I promised I would let it show,

In everything we shared.


And now I write so it be known,

That you are my life, my reason for being,

Purest love you have shown,

You've given my world new meaning.


Let's run away, you and me,

And capture every star,

Let's run away and sail the sea,

Or drive real fast in my car.


I want to share every moment together,

And experience life with you,

For I know that it would last forever,

And it is simply the right thing to do.


Let's run away and share our dream,

Let's begin to share our gold,

I want to be the one who rocks with you,

When we are gray and old.


My heart is on fire with passion,

The thoughts of your tender touch,

Memories of love we have made,

God, I want you so much.


Let's run away to our own special place,

A place where we can be,

Alive, in love, where I see your face,

This place, our destiny.



Now That We’ve Met

by, Max The Poet


Now that we've met,

And seen each other,

Can we forget,

The feeling my lover?


It was as if all the world stopped,

Just for a minute,

I felt like a teenager,

Or a top when you spin it.


My heart had found company,

To share its great joy,

Together at last,

This girl and this boy.


Like we'd known all along,

That we were so right,

With you I belong,

You're a beautiful sight.


And now that we've met,

And God blessed us from above,

Let's spend all our days,

Together, in love.



Me and You

by, Max The Poet 


You and I have come far,

Traveling this road of romance,

Learning about each other,

Living each new circumstance.


You and I share so much,

We even say the same things,

We love to hug, kiss and touch,

We laugh, no matter what the day brings.


I will miss you so while you are gone,

I pray it won't be for long,

Cause my heart is hurting for your touch,

You are the one I want so much.


So return to me, butterfly,

I dare not ask or question why,

Perhaps this all was meant to be,

And someday you'll come live with me.


You and I, two peas in a pod,

Running the beach, barefoot or shod,

I am glad you came and took a look-see,

It's a beautiful thing, you and me.



The Picnic

by, Max The Poet 


Each day my life becomes clearer,

New purpose I have found,

I needed you so much nearer,

And finally, you came around.


You tell me, a picnic our life is not,

But I prefer to say,

That since we made our new start,

A picnic has come our way.


It is the best of time,

The time we spend together,

Our love has endured,

The sunshine and the stormy weather.


It is like we are camped out in the wilderness,

And enjoying all that nature has given,

I am glad these moments I did not miss,

I love the life we are living.


A basket of love, a blanket of hope,

Two hearts beating, our love rhythmic,

It is the best, this love we share,

Our love, our life's picnic.



Forgiveness and Completeness

by, Max The Poet 


Cold, empty and barren,

Are words that describe my heart,

I have felt this way,

Since you and I did part.


Nothing is as it was,

Even my food is tasteless and bland,

I need you to be with me,

So I can touch your hand.


A great abyss and void exists,

Where once true love was known,

A dull, aching feeling persists,

I can't do this on my own.


I miss your love for me real bad,

And I somehow have to say,

That I want you back right here with me,

Together we will stay.


We are a perfect match you see,

And I know that given the chance,

True love will come back to me,

Our love, a true romance.


Forgive me for my failings,

Understand my deepest sorrow,

That we did part in that circumstance,

Come, let's be together for all tomorrow.


I Am A Man

by, Max The Poet


I am a man,

A simple sort of guy,

I look deep into things,

I need to know the reasons why.


I hide my feelings from all the world,

So that no one else will see,

That deep inside this hard exterior,

Is a loving, gentle baby.


I work real hard at what I do,

I dislike when things go wrong,

I shine the most when I am with her,

With her is where I belong.


I am most complete and function well,

With my lady right beside me,

She is the half that makes me whole,

With her is where I will be.


I am a man, fierce and mighty,

When I must fight for what is right,

But, I remember that everyone,

Has a purpose in their own light.


I am a man. I am a handsome prince,

I am valiant and noble at heart,

I will always be steadfast in my love,

I promise to do my part.


Together For Always

by, Max The Poet


All my thoughts are taken by you,

Whom I miss so very much,

My life is in a complete mess,

Since it lost your touch.


My mind returns to the place,

One night, way back in November,

Our eyes met, we said some things,

That I always will remember.


Love is waiting for us,

I just feel it inside,

I know that this must be right,

I will never understand why,

For our love, we must fight.


But fight I shall,

With honor and might,

You are worth every ounce of pain,

I can't wait for this to end,

So that with you I can remain.


My dearest love, my friend for all time,

I need to say this to you,

So that you may see and understand,

You are not alone in what you do.


My heart is with you,

Your pain is mine,

You are the most important limb,

That grows upon the vine.


I love you so much, no words can say,

How close we are at heart,

From sunrise to sunset,

Our souls do not depart.


I love everything about you,

Take away the clouds and all the haze,

Come and be with me my love,

It is us together, for always.



How It Feels

by, Max The Poet 


I am missing you so,

I need to let you know,

It is so hard for me,

To let my feelings show.


This is how I feel,

I finally got it right,

Here is my best attempt,

So you can see my plight.


I am missing you,

I cried a thousand tears,

Sleepless are my nights,

Many are my fears.


An emptiness is felt,

Deep within my heart,

I feel so helpless inside,

Since you and I did part.


But, a light is shining in the distance,

It signals the finish line,

That is where my focus shall be,

The day when you'll be mine.


For now, just know that you are loved,

And that your soul mate is in a spin,

But soon, together we shall be,

My love you did win.


This is how it feels to me,

I am missing my right hand,

I wanted to say it in this way,

So you will understand....

How very much I love you....

Forever and always....

Come and be with me.



Smiles Am I

by, Max The Poet


Yes, it is true,

All smiles, am I,

Unfocused in all I do,

Since you caught my eye.


My friends have noticed a change,

They say I’m laughing lots,

To me it is feeling strange,

My belly's feeling knots.


I want to just reach out and grab you,

And kiss you all day long,

I know it would be rushing things,

I can't do anything wrong.


But know that I am falling fast,

And that memories of us together,

Linger long and last,

You have set me free,

From all of my dreaded past.


Smiles am I, thanks to you,

Happier, more handsome too,

I wanted to say this today,

I'm in love with you.



More Of You

by, Max The Poet


Still I am missing you,

Another day goes by,

I do not know what to do,

Or the reasons why.


Thoughts of you crowd my day,

I have never ever felt this way,

I keep wishing you would come and stay,

I'm a needle in the haystack without the hay.


Missing you is not real fun,

Especially since you are the one,

My heart is aching and all undone,

I feel like sunshine, without the sun.


I know this is not an easy time,

For our lives to intertwine,

But I hope and pray for a quick end,

So I can be with you, my friend.


Missing you is hard,

I wanted to say today,

That you are loved and missed so very much,

In every single way.


I need more of you in my life,

I am empty without your touch,

I have never felt this in love,

Or wanted anything as much.


It is a simple thing that I must say,

To you, my love, on this day,

I love you, and in everything I do,

I am needing more of you.



Trusted Love

by, Max The Poet


Love is on the way,

I can see all the signs,

I am ever seeking you,

You are always on my mind.


We are two peas in a pod,

You're my soul mate and friend,

Together we'll be for always,

Our love knows no end.


Unselfish, trusted love,

An arrow of cupid's true,

There are so many reasons,

That I fell in love with you.


More than all the world could give,

And more than this poet can say,

I grow more in love with you,

Each and every day.



Your Beauty

by, Max The Poet 


Your beauty entrances me,

Caressed, am I, abundantly,

By the warmth of your touch,

And your vibrant smile.


Moved with desire,

My heart is on fire,

Because of your beauty,

And because of your love.


My lips are tingling with delight,

Making love, you and me, all night,

These are the thoughts that brighten my day,

With me they've been, with me they'll stay.


Every color I see is brighter now,

Even the dark clouds do shine,

I love you, is my vow,

Forever more, you shall be mine.



Happy Birthday

by, Max The Poet 


I am so grateful for knowing you,

I am so glad that you are my friend,

I could begin to list the reasons,

The list would go on, and never end.


You have accepted me for who I am,

You were there when I needed you,

A kind word or humorous joke,

Somehow, you always knew what to do.


As I look back over the years,

And recall the times I treasure,

You are there, lending yourself,

Sharing your love without measure.


Today is a special day,

Another year is added to your age,

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with me,

You are a special friend and sage.


Happy Birthday, sweet Lori,

I wrote this for you, my friend,

To let you know that I am grateful,

And I will love you till the end.

 ~ for my sister Loretta ~



You, My Heart’s Desire

by, Max The Poet


I was thinking about you, my love,

How we met and all,

The way you took my breath from me,

And how deeply in love I did fall.


You see, all I ever wanted in life,

I now have with you,

It is a true and complete love,

Each day our love is new.


Never boring, never dull,

Are you, my sweetest prize,

Over and over, I do fall,

Each time I look into your eyes.


Purest love, in every sense,

My soul mate, and my friend,

I wish to thank you for completing me,

My love for you knows no end.



Embraced In Your Love

by, Max The Poet


Only moments have passed since we parted,

I am compelled to complete what we've started,

Our love is deep and all encompassing,

When apart, it is you that I am missing.


Embraced in your love,

Each day I'm held close,

The warmth of your touch,

Is what I miss most.


The sound of your laughter,

The smile on your face,

I long to come home,

To your warm embrace.


And, for all time,

Until breath has eluded me,

Right by your side,

Is where I'll always be.



Magical Places

by, Max The Poet


Almost everywhere I go,

I see your face,

It is in the beauty of your friendship,

The tranquility of your grace.


I see all the beauty,

That God has created,

And I capture that moment,

Written here, it is stated.


It is a most pleasant adventure,

This friendship that we share,

We know that we're loved,

For each other, we care.


So today in this poem,

I am writing to say,

That someone is thinking,

About you today.



Heart Of Mine

by, Max The Poet 


Heart of mine,

So soft and so true,

Always knowing what to say,

And the things to do.


Heart of mine,

So kind and so sincere,

Sharing all you have to give,

Holding me so near.


Heart of mine,

Most beautiful, fragrant rose,

You touch me deeply every day,

How I love thee, God knows.


Heart of mine,

Queen that has captured my heart,

With you is where I long to stay,

I pray we don't part.


Heart of mine,

Mirrored image of my soul,

Sharing our lives for eternity,

My vision and my goal.


Heart of mine,

My promise today, I renew,

Forever more, till the end,

I'll be in love with you.



It Is Fall In New England

by, Max The Poet 


It is Fall in New England,

Nature's splendor can be seen,

Vibrant colors have been painted,

Upon the leaves of green.


Frosty mornings surely greet us,

In every valley laced with gold,

Steamy waters upward rise,

The colors are so bold.


On each and every roadway,

Tourists can be found,

Everyone has traveled North,

To have a look around.


Busy are the shops in Town,

Every mountain an artist's dream,

Winter is coming home,

To every lake and stream.


The critters are busy planning,

For surely Winter's coming home,

They search every nook and cranny,

For a place to call their own.


Color, beauty and solace,

Are things that are known so well,

It is Fall in New England,

Beauty, in every leaf that fell.



All That

        by, Max The Poet


All that I ever imagined possible,

All that I dared to dream,

I have found with you,

A love that's seldom seen.


All that life could ever give,

All that love should be,

All these things and so much more,

Are what you are to me.


You are all that I have wished for,

For a very long time, you see,

You are all the wishes I ever made,

You are a wish that was made for me.


Together we shall always be,

A seed on a fertile field,

Most beautiful in every way,

         Our love the harvest yield.



In Everything

by, Max The Poet 


The mountains and the hills echo your name,

Your beauty is captured there,

That is where my heart does live,

Where you and I, our love do share.


I see your face in every flower,

A delicate, fragrant bouquet,

Never fading, always perfect,

Ever blooming, it will stay.


I walk along the beach and shore,

Again, I see you once more,

The little ways you show your love,

These are the things that I adore.


I came across the rarest gem,

I peered in and saw your face,

The gem was dull compared to you,

Your beauty is every place.


In love with you I've fallen,

Each day, a different hue,

Colorful, vibrant, exotic and rare,

        Nothing compares to you.



Timeless Love

by, Max The Poet 


I was searching  my whole life long,

For someone just like you,

Someone who would care about me,

And make my heart feel new.


Suddenly, you were there,

My heart jumped out of my chest,

I had to sit for a minute,

So I could catch my breath.


From the moment we met, I knew,

That destiny had shown its face,

And all I want is to be with you,

Any time, any place.


I dreamt of being alone with you,

Just you and I, together,

To run so free and share our lives,

In any kind of weather.


Time has past and still I'm weak,

My heart is still feeling new,

Because, a soul mate I have found,

       I'm so in love with you.



 The Sea

by, Max The Poet


I spend my days by the sea,

Remembering our moments there,

Intimate kisses that were given,

Treasured memories we did share.


The crashing of the waves,

The smell of the salty air,

The gentle breeze upon my face,

All is empty without you there.


I return to this place quite often,

Pretending hand in hand we're walking,

The sea and I are missing your touch,

I love you so very much.



Just Moments

by, Max The Poet


Just moments have passed since we parted,

I find myself lost in space,

I think about you and me,

I think about your smiling face.


Just moments have passed and saddened am I,

That you had to leave so soon,

Treasured deeply, the moments we share,

Star gazing at the harvest moon.


Just moments have passed and a tear I shed,

For you my treasure true,

Because I miss you so very much,

My wish is to be with you.


Our love has grown and blossomed much,

Our love is brilliant and intense,

Some would say we are love sick fools,

Because they haven’t shared our moments.


For My Heart

by, Max The Poet 


The world has changed for me,

Never before have I felt this way,

I have fallen deeply in love,

I needed to tell you, today.


I will not make the same mistakes,

That haunt me from the past,

This time I will let you know,

That you are loved, so it will last.


For my heart is in your hands,

I have shown you my deepest feeling,

And I have shared my inner self,

Now it is time for healing.


For you are my heart and love,

Nothing else matters to me,

I needed to tell how much you're loved,

Together we'll be for eternity.


Are You

by, Max The Poet 


Are you as in love as I am?

Can you hear my thoughts?

Will you cheer me when I'm blue

And when I’m feeling out of sorts?


Are you the one I've waited for?

Are you thinking the same things?

Will you be here at my side

No matter what the future brings?


Are you ready to begin the journey

Of love that we have started?

Will you still carry your love for me

Even when we've parted?


Are you sure that I can be,

All that love has promised,

Will you and I still be in love

When age, our silvers tarnished?


I can promise to be all these things,

And that I will love you in all you do,

I am sure that you are the one,

The question is, are you?


To Describe

by, Max The Poet


The silence of the night rings true,

Ushering in many thoughts of you,

Suddenly, every color is new,

And I am at peace once more.


It is hard not knowing where you are,

It is hard being so far away,

It is in the evening that I miss you most,

With you, my thoughts do stay.


Your love for me is awesome,

My love for you does shine,

Only you can dispel my darkness,

I find comfort in knowing you are mine.


The words to describe you elude me,

But I am giving this a shot,

So you will know how much you're loved,

These words are from my heart.


You are the mighty oak,

That from the acorn grew,

You are my best friend,

Every day our love is new.


Your loving ways a key contain,

That only you can turn,

I will love you more and more,

That key, I shall earn.


Wondering About You

by, Max The Poet


I am wondering, wondering about you,

Feeling lonely, feeling sort of blue,

Waiting for a call, that call, from you.


I keep asking the question,

The answer is hidden deep,

Wondering if you still love me,

Or am I just dreaming in my sleep.


Wondering, wondering about our love,

Sharing the same space in time,

You are always there, always on my mind.


My love you have won,

You won the battle of the heart,

That place, that place we share,

From you I can not part.


I am wondering, wondering about you,

Our hearts are beating together,

A constant love that’s true,

I need your love, I need us to last,

I am wondering about you.



The Miles Between Us

by, Max The Poet 


The miles between us are shortened,

Because each of us cares so much,

We think of each other constantly,

We long for each other's touch.


More intense each day,

Our love does grow,

Today I wanted to tell you,

How much you're loved,

Tell you, so you would know.


The miles between us are shortened,

Because I love you more than anything,

I can't wait to be with you,

No matter what the future brings.


And finally, the miles are shortened,

Because you are the one that's for me,

A special place of truest love,

In my heart, for you, shall be.



At Peace, In Love

by, Max The Poet


There are few words left to say,

But I had to try once more, today,

To capture what you mean to me,

To capture that which is seldom seen.


I am ever searching for a moment,

To spend with you alone,

The best moments, they are to me,

They are the nicest I have known.


We are meant to be, I just know it,

My love for you, I promise to show it,

More and more each day I see,

Exactly what you mean to me.


I am so in love with all of you,

I am sure that we are right,

Nothing is quite like kissing you,

Or holding you all night.


I pray and pray that we will grow,

And love each other more,

We have a love that most don't know,

The best is yet in store.


I needed to say I love you again,

And that my love will never cease,

I love you so, and always will,

With you I am at peace.



Lonely Is My Heart

by, Max The Poet


Lonely is my heart now,

Searching for your touch,

Needing you near to me,

Wanting you so much.


Lonely is my heart now,

While waiting for you,

I know not how to calm this storm,

Or if there is anything I can do.


Lonely is my heart now,

My love is incomplete,

I need you right beside me,

With you, nothing can compete.


Lonely is my heart now,

Come home soon to stay,

So we can share our special love,

Each and every day.


Come and share my life with me,

Come let's make a start,

Until you return to me,

Lonely is my heart.



Your Picture

by, Max The Poet


Sitting here missing you,

Holding your picture in my hand,

Passing away this loneliness,

Counting each grain of sand.


A part of me has gone away,

To be with you where you are,

Close to you is where I'll be,

No matter how near or far.


This picture I am holding,

Keeps the memories alive for me,

Hearing your voice whispering,

"I love you", so softly.


This picture is of your smile,

The sparkle that's in your eye,

Reminds me of all you mean to me,

Our love will never die.



Passionate You

by, Max The Poet 


Sweet red ruby,

Lips of fire,

Kissing me all over,

It is you I desire.


Passionate love,

Embraces of power,

Rhythm of thunder,

As love we devour.


Ever knowing my next move,

Tracing outlines of flesh,

Ultimate passion,

As our bodies mesh.


Passionate you,

Making love all night,

Our bodies entwined,

A beautiful sight.


A Toast

by, Max The Poet


I raised my glass and I made a toast,

To the girl that’s in my dream,

She’s all that I could ever want,

All that, if you know what I mean.


I prayed the stars would send her down,

To be right by my side,

I’ve been searching all my life,

Every place, far and wide.


She’s a lady,

My lady true,

She’s all I ever needed,

There’s nothing I’d rather do,

Then to spend the night...

Making love to you.


As the years have passed,

And only memories remain,

My love for you will never end,

It will endure all pain.


And if I should leave this world of ours,

And you’re feeling alone and blue,

Remember these very simple words,

I’ll be loving you.


Again I toast to all the love,

That she has shown to me,

Forever more, I promise you,

Together we’ll always be.




by, Max The Poet


Before the night has fallen,

Before the world does end,

There is something I must say,

To you, my special friend.


I love you more than anything,

In love with you, am I,

I am sure that I will feel this way,

Until the day I die.


Before I close this little poem,

Before I say good night,

I want to say I love you again,

Our future is looking bright.


Before I close my eyes again,

Before I wake today,

Know I my love is endless and true,

And with you in every way.


I wrote this poem for you, my love,

My love is an open door,

And when your Mother was carrying you,

I have loved you, before.



Have Hope

by, Max The Poet


I was sitting here saying my prayers,

When I thought of you my friend,

I thought about our discussion,

And this poem, I had to send.


You see, I believe that you are special,

And that you are strong and bold,

You are kind, gentle, and so sincere,

Never shallow or cold.


We haven't been friends that long,

Yet, close to you, I feel,

We have shared many things,

Our friendship is like tempered steel.


I was thinking of your kindred spirit,

And how you're always kind,

I know that things will get better,

You are a rare and precious find.


I said a special prayer for you,

I asked the Lord to hear,

So that strength and courage will be yours,

And that you shall have no fear.


I prayed for health and peace,

To come and stay with you,

I believe that God did hear me,

He'll know what to do.


For now, be strong and know,

That a special friend does care,

God knows what He is doing,

He and I are with you there.


Closing The Gap

by, Max The Poet


Nothing is as important as you,

Nothing could ever take your place,

Everything seems so clear to me,

When I see the smile on your face.


In love with you is all of me,

My world has a spin of its own,

Nothing could ever ease my pain,

As the love that you have shown.


Though far away, each day, you are,

I know your every thought,

I see you in the tasks I do,

You are everything I've sought.


So dear love of my warm heart,

Today I write this song,

So, soon close by, you shall be,

I pray it won't be long.



The Search For Love

by, Max The Poet 


I have been searching my whole life,

For someone just like you,

Someone who would love me always,

And make me feel so new.


Searching for you,

My whole life through,

Never seeing what was in front of me,

Never knowing what to do.


Searching for you,

Searching for a way,

Searching for my other half,

To be with me today.


There are lots of things that I have found,

By simply looking around,

You came to me on the wings of a dove,

Completing for me,

The search for love.




by, Max The Poet


Lookin’ at the times we spent,

Jammin' and havin’ fun,

Never knew where we were goin',

Never knew till the day was done.

It was just another gig,

That friends were comin' to,

Comin' to rock and dance a bit,

And that's where we met you.


We were creepin', creepin' till mornin’s new,

Creepin', creepin’ like the dawn, showin' us the way, to find, another day,

creepin', Jesus we were creepin'.


Friends were all around us,

Partyin’ till mornin' light,

The rock-n-roll was kind,

The kindest we had last night,

We wouldn't trade a memory,

Of all the fun we share,

We are really close,

We find ourselves together there.



And when the creepin's gone,

And only memories remain,

The memories will creep on in,

Memories that will keep us sane,

Mighty rock of awesome power,

Come from the guys we call ZENFLOWER,

Played the way it should have been,

Awesome memories, they come creepin' in.

 dedicated to the awesome talent of ZENFLOWER



A Night To Remember

by, Max The Poet 


It was the most awesome feeling in the world,

Being alone with you,

No one else to get in our way,

No one else to share you with.


It was as if we were the only two in the room,

Dancing our hearts out,

I was watching your moves with desire,

Wanting so much to rekindle the fire,

Wanting so much to spend the rest of my life in your arms.


That feeling was awesome,

Awesome in every way,

The two of us, lost in emotion,

Touching each other, our eyes dancing to the beat,

Yes, my heart even skipped a bit,

As you shared your ancient dance of love.


It was a night to remember,

That night in November,

That night that I can't forget,

It was awesome.




by, Max The Poet


My love for you knows no end,

Every storm we shall endure,

I am glad you are my friend,

And  your love for me is sure.


That's where our treasure is,

In that our friendship is so strong,

Nothing can break our bond,

With you is where I belong.


Endless is our love,

No star could shine as bright,

Much love have we have shared,

By your side each and every night.


No stretch of miles can change our love,

I don't care what people think of me,

I am here, waiting for you,

Loving you, endlessly.



Memories of Christmas

by, Max The Poet 


I treasure the memories of Christmas past,

When things were so much clearer,

It seems the presents didn't matter,

I just wanted to hold you nearer.


I recall the many days,

We shopped down at the mall,

The many laughs we had back then,

The way you'd catch me when I'd fall.


I remember all of this well,

Treasured, true friendship,

Vivid in my head,

Forever captured there,

These are the memories I hold dear,

And with you today I share.


We Need To Laugh

by, Max The Poet 


We need to laugh quite often,

To drown out the sorrows of pain,

Laughter can a heart soften,

A good feeling will remain.


When times are tough and life seems hard,

I hope that you'll remember,

That someone who loves you sent this card,

One day in December.


I sent the card because you're loved,

And because I care so much,

Nothing is as important as you,

In the lives you touch.


I count on you to cheer my days,

When I am feeling blue,

And today I return the gift,

To someone special… you.


We need to laugh quite often,

And somehow we’ll get through,

I know that things will get better,

Because I believe in you.



Angel Winks

by, Max The Poet 


The road we travel is full of bumps,
Not always smooth and clear,
We need each other to get over the humps,
Each other we hold dear.


I return to that place of peace,

A place of tranquility and friends,

There I am at home and most myself,
I pray my visit never ends.

From all over this beautiful land,

We come each night to talk,
So that the road we travel will be smoothened,
Together each night we walk.

How I love my friends that gather there,
We help each other when life stinks,
And just when I can’t take anymore,
I return home to Angel Winks.


Christmas Winks
by, Max The Poet

As the snow fell outside my window,
 Christmas scents filled my house,
 I was baking for all the family,
 And yes, even for the little mouse.

 Christmas spirit enveloped me,
 Suddenly all was new,
 I learned the meaning of Christmas this year,
 By spending time with you.

 It was a marvelous feeling of deepest joy,
 Each day when I returned,
 To visit with my Angel Winks friends,
 A special lesson I have learned.

 I have learned that love awaits us all,
 And that good things can be found,
 By sharing yourself with others,
 Each day while you're around.

 So this year in Angel Winks Chat,
 As we celebrate the Birth of Jesus,
 Remember the spirit of Christmas Winks,
 And pray it never leaves us.



Every Moment

by, Max The Poet 


If I could, I would spend every moment,

 for the rest of my life with you.

 I can not think of anything I would rather do.

 I am drawn to you like a magnet, and all my life,

I have sought someone just like you.

 Someone to hold, someone to care about,

and someone to share my dreams with.

 I know that your life has had some bumpy spots.

Mine hasn't been a sheet of glass either, but,

I want to help make the road ahead smoother for you

 and I want to be the one that you lean on

when you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on.

 I promise my love is true,

Nothing can come between me and you.

 The New Year has brought a promise with it. 

A promise that life will find a way.

 Together, let's find our way and live

the life of love that we were born to share.

 I love you with all that is in me.

 Forever, you are my queen.



Just Another Day

by, Max The Poet 


It is just another day,

That God has sent my way,

Just another chance,

To find a true romance.


It is just another day,

That I am glad to see,

But there is still something,

That fails to complete me.


It is just another day,

My feelings never change,

Somehow, only thoughts of you,

In my heart remain.


Another day, and closer still,

The best that I have found,

I can not describe the way I feel,

Each day while you're around.


Just another day? 

Perhaps it is to some,

But, today I needed to let you know,

That my heart you have won.


Emptiness has left me,

Fear has gone away,

I love you, there, I said it,

Today...another day.



Today I Smiled Again

by, Max The Poet 


Today I smiled again,

Because, I’ve met a special friend,

You came to me out of the blue,

My unspoken words, somehow you knew.


Today I smiled again,

Something I haven't done in a while,

You have sparked something in me,

Something that makes all of me smile.


Today I smiled again,

I am set free from the past,

With you is where I want to be,

My dreams are now within my grasp.


Because of you, I am happy,

You are a dear and special friend,

I hope I am not sounding sappy,

Because, today, I can finally smile again.



To Say It

by, Max The Poet


Often, throughout the day,

Thoughts of you enter in,

There is lots I want to say,

Now where do I begin?


I guess I would say that you are loved,

And each day brings a chance,

For you and I to begin a journey,

A journey of romance.


I promised myself that I would state,

Every thought I had today,

But, instead, I'll write this simple poem,

And say it in this way.


I think you're cool and funny too,

I think that we'll go far,

I remember wishing for you,

Once upon my star.


If ever you're feeling alone or blue,

And you feel you haven't a friend,

Remember that someone loves you so,

And will until the end.




by, Max The Poet


And now the time has come,

For me to begin again,

To live a life of love and peace,

With you, my special friend.


I do not regret one moment,

I have ever spent with you,

They are the best times I've had,

Doing the things that we do.


Now the time has come,

For me to share my heart,

Only love and good things,

Shall from my heart impart.


Now the time is here,

And I can't wait to begin,

I will love you like no one can,

If you will let me in.


Put away the past,

Plant seeds of life where you plow,

The past is for the dead of heart,

The time to live is now.



Can You Believe

by, Max The Poet


Can you believe that we have met?

I could never, ever forget,

The way we smiled when we saw one another.

What more could we ask for each other?


Can you believe that it could be,

That an Angel introduced you and me?

A heavenly encounter did occur,

Something in my heart did you stir.


Can you believe that I could say,

That I am glad you came my way?

The touch of your hand has sent me flying,

You brought new life, to someone who was dying.


Can you believe that I want to share,

Everything with you and to show I care?

I want to be the one who sings,

Love songs to you in the evening.


Can you believe that I can promise this?

That I will always be here and never miss

The chance to say that I love you so.

By the end of this poem, I think you'll know.


I have searched both high and low,

And I found you.

It is hard to perceive,

My heart has felt this,

Can you believe?


The Cabin

by, Max The Poet



There is a cabin in the woods,

Where you and I do meet,

It is a place of solitude,

It is a place so sweet.


The cabin is a special place,

I love to meet you there,

Where you and I can be alone,

Where you and I, our love we share.


The cabin is far from noise,

Far from cares that cloud our day,

I have the best of times there,

With you I want to stay.


There is a cabin in the woods,

And I can't wait for us to be,

Where, alone, quiet, gentle peace,

Comes over you and me.


There is a cabin in the woods,

There are so many things to do,

But best of all, I found you there,

I'm in love with you.



One Day At A Time

by, Max The Poet 


I have been told that true love knows no boundaries,

I have been told that it comes but once in lifetime,

I believe all this is true,

Because of these feelings of mine.


I do not want to rush things either,

I want us to know everything that is true,

I want us to be comfortable with each other,

Because, I care this much about you.


I don't want either of us feeling hurried,

In an already busy world,

I will wait and be patient,

For God's plan to unfurl.


I hope you understand my thoughts,

And just how much I care,

I love so many things about you,

So many things I want to share.


You say I said I love you,

To soon and without thought,

How can this be you ask,

It is a feeling that you've brought.


I will not apologize for saying it,

I hope you understand,

That this feeling came from within my heart,

The first time I touched your hand.


It was as if I had met you before,

The feeling so familiar,

I guess what I am trying to say,

Is that I really dig ya.



The First Time
by, Max The Poet


The First Time I ever met you,
I knew that you would be
very Special
and you sure are to me

The first time I ever kissed you
My heart began to sing
It foretold a special day
time would surely bring


The first time I ever
touched you
The world began to spin

I knew in time things would change
And you would my heart win
 there was that time
When we first
said I love you
It was if the angels sang
Oh so far above you

And then, there was once a time
A very
special time
It was the moment I
knew you loved me
I knew it from the first time
~ for my Angels in Angel Winks ~


The Winds

by, Max The Poet


The winds of change,

How soft, yet swift,

Bringing change to everything,

A special sort of gift.


Change enters and all is different,

Nothing stays the same,

A bright new world is open,

And only memories of the past,

Do in my heart remain.


With winds do change,

Brisk and rapid as a sword,

I met you and change,

The winds have changed for me.


That night, at the winds, the heat,

The change that ushered in,

So many are my feelings,

Where do I begin.. to change.



Moments Without You

by, Max The Poet


Every moment without you is an eternity,

A deep feeling of emptiness,

Comes over me.


Every moment that we are apart,

Makes me long to hold you tight,

And I wish that you were here.


Every day while you are at work,

I think about last night,

I bask in the memory of us making love.


The moments without you,

Are like torture to my heart,

Together always, in love from the start.


The moments without you,

I hope will be less and less,

I hate them so, I must confess.


Every moment I am missing you,

Missing everything about you,

Wishing you were here with me.


Lonely is the best word to describe,

Every second you are away,

Can you hear my heart's lament,

Crying for you, every moment.


Live Your Love

by, Max The Poet


Live your love,

Feel what is real,

Seek your destiny,

With the ultimate zeal.


Live your love,

Find what completes you,

Be the best that you can be,

In everything you do.


Live your love,

Make your dreams come true,

You can do most anything,

That you want to do.


Believe in yourself,

Reach for a star,

Nurture, what it is,

That makes you who you are.


Live your love,

Reach out, touch others,

Find your purpose on this Earth,

We are all sisters and brothers.


When you dream, dream big,

You can make it if you try,

Fear not failure,

Failure is a lie.


Take your gift and share it,

Share it freely with everyone,

The talent you possess,

Shines brighter than the sun.


Live your love,

Follow your heart,

Listen to your inner voice,

Like you have from the start.


An awesome tune of might and power,

Is contained, therein,

Listen to the melody,

As each day begins.


Your gift is awesome,

It is sent from above,

Capture success and harness it,

Be bold and live your love.



Within You

by, Max The Poet 


The best things in life come from within,

They are treasures of the heart and are contained therein.


Nothing would ever change,

Nor could we reach our goals,

If we keep the treasure buried,

Beneath the burning coals.


We have to let the good things,

Surface, for all to see,

So that we may reach our goals,

Completing our destiny.


Within you, there is wealth,

Beyond the richest dream,

Rare gems of purest color,

Jewels that always gleam.


Today again, I honor you,

My friend of treasure true,

Remember this for always,

The treasure is within you.



You Inspire Me

by, Max The Poet


You inspire me to write these things,

Your touch starts me shaking,

Every minute we are together,

Is a beautiful session of love making.


You inspire me with your words of love,

You inspire me with your kindness,

Again I am able to see love,

You have awakened me from my blindness.


In everything you have inspired me,

The beauty in everything is clear,

Nothing inspires me more,

Then the moments you are near.


I want to say this again,

So you will understand,

That I am grateful for all you have done,

To inspire the poet that I am.


Inspiration, and beauty,

All things that describe you well,

Your love, the greatest inspiration,

I love you, can you tell?


When The World Goes Away

by, Max The Poet


The world to me is a strange place,

Cluttered with pain and sorrow,

Some days there is only hope,

That things will be better tomorrow.


That is the way I use to feel,

About the world as a whole,

Before you touched me deeply,

Within my very soul.


Now the world is a gentler place,

I can handle the pain and sorrow,

You have given me a special gift,

And I look forward to tomorrow.


With you at my side,

The world goes away,

And I feel like, I am king,

Each and every day.


You smoothened my rough spots,

You taught me to love again,

The world I knew, its cares and worries,

Have all come to an end.


A gift you are unto me,

The rose among my thorns,

While we are apart,

My heart mourns.


I will be here for you too,

My heart just seems to know what to do,

We meet again and the world goes away,

I love you.


Through My Eyes

by, Max The Poet


If you could only see through my eyes,

But for a day, to peer into thine,

You would understand my love,

And why for all time, you are mine.


As if to see, but a glimpse of you,

The majestic beauty, contained therein,

All the marvelous wonders,

And how only you, could my heart win.


If you could only see through my eyes,

The vibrant nature of your soul,

The way your hair moves and flows,

A tidal dance that ebbs and glows.


Oh, but to see you, through my eyes,

Splendid indeed, our love foretold,

As the Prince and Princess in a fairy tale told,

Just to gaze unto thee, my sweet Princess.


But, to see you, as I do,

My heart and how it cries,

Crying unto thee to capture me,

This I see, through my eyes.


I guess there are times when the words come forth like a fountain proclaiming all the beautiful things that have inspired my life.

  Every day, I give thanks for all that I have been blessed with. 

You are counted among those blessings.  T

hank you for the inspiration.

 Always I remain, Max The Poet


I Ask You Now

by, Max The Poet


To make a promise...

I ask you now.


To join me in this life of love...

I ask you now.


To be my friend for all time...

I ask you now.


To walk this journey of faith with me...

I ask you now.


To complete me as only you can...

I ask you now.


To be my lover and my confidant...

I ask you now.


I ask you this, that you may understand all the things that you are too me. 

 The special way that our lives have joined have made me happy.


I ask this of you,

That you be my bride,

To travel places as one, together,

To travel far and wide.

To ask this question,

To hear the reply,

To answer sincerely and not question why.

I love you so much,

And I know I always will,

There is a certain void in me,

That only you can fill.

I love you so, I know I say it,

But, I feel it's not nearly enough,

Together we will get through it all,

The good times and the tough.

I ask you now,

To be who you are for all time,

I ask you now,

My special Valentine.



A Promise

by, Max The Poet  


Only a few reasons why I love you,

Are what I am trying to give,

Reasons that our hearts have met,

Reasons why I want to live.


I want to peek into your soul,

To see the love you have in there,

I want to be the love in your heart,

I want us to be together, everywhere.


Countless, as the stars,

All the reasons I can see,

There is nothing quite as beautiful,

As you and me.


So the reasons do remain,

Within my heart concealed,

Waiting for you to unlock the door,

So that they may be revealed.


A promise today, and a reason,

The reason is, I love you,

The promise is,

I always will.



My Rainbow

by, Max The Poet


A colorful rainbow,

I have found,

Each and every time,

That you are around.


The rainbow is brilliant,

To describe it, I can't begin,

Every color of life,

Is contained therein.


My rainbow is you,

You are the colors that I see,

Nothing can be compared to you,

At least, not to me.


A sign of God's great love,

Is the rainbow that I see,

Each time I look at you,

You are reminding me.


Colorful in every way,

Are you, my special friend,

I had to tell you this, today,

My love for you will never end.


I hope I have stated your beauty well,

And that you will come to know,

That forever till the end of time,

I'll love you, my rainbow.



The Two Of Us

by, Max The Poet


You and I are so happy together,

We are the best of friends in any weather,

Since we met and I felt your touch,

I have never wanted anyone so much.


We spend time sharing our thoughts,

We lift each other up when we are down,

We make the best of every situation,

And when things go wrong, we turn them around.


These are some of the reasons that I love you,

Like two peas in a pod are we,

Inseparable, and in love,

Just, you and me.


This morning I awoke and looked toward the skies,

It reminded me of looking in your eyes,

The deep shade of blue,

The uncharted places yet to travel,

And all the beauty one can see,

These are some of the reasons that I love you.


Awesome in every way,

Natures beauty deep within,

Your loving heart holds the treasure,

Each day my love for you does again begin.


The two of us, together make one,

I am the sea and you are sky,

Every star has its twinkle,

No one loves you more than I.


I, the sea, wanted to tell you today,

That this morning I was in awe,

The sunrise and all its beauty,

Was seen by me, as never before.


The feeling I had when it dawned on me,

That in this splendor, I did see,

A glimpse of your beauty,

The sunrise, spoke of the two of us.


I Am Honest

by, Max The Poet


Ok, you already know all the things I am about to say,

But I feel like I should say them again,

So you may understand,

How in love with you I am.


We talk of friendship and how important it is,

I agree that it is the foundation we have made,

But, when I am  around you,

I turn a red and pink sort of shade.


You see, it isn't always about how you feel,

Sometimes it is my feelings that matter most,

And no matter what you feel about me,

A true love for you, I host.


You already know that though, don't you?

Do you ever think of me that way?

Am I crazy for still feeling like this,

Even after you've turned me away?


I need to know some things from you,

And I won't let you change the subject like you always do,

I want to hear it come from your mouth,

While into your eyes I am peering.


I care so much about you,

Somehow you are always in my head,

Today I am telling you that I am in love with you,

So that I will know that it was said.


As you read these words,

I want you to think about the fun things we have shared,

The places we have been,

And how we have been there for each other,

Through the good times,

And in the bad.


Remember my words to you today,

That my love will never go away,

Friends are great and forever we shall be,

All that friends are, and more to me.

 I love you very much.


When I Wish Upon My Star

by, Max The Poet  


When I wish upon my star,

I think about you,

I think about the love we share,

And all the things you are.


My dreams become reality,

Even though you are far,

The distance is lessened,

When I wish upon my star.


The wish I make is a simple one,

That you and I will soon be together,

That we can begin our life of love,

And be in love forever.


I wished this upon my star for you and I,

Because there is no one else that's for me,

No one who loves me the way you do,

And I will keep a constant sort of watch,

And wish upon my star,

And soon enough, we will be,

What destiny has promised.



Take The Time

by, Max The Poet


Take the time to smell the roses,

And the thorns in life are easy,

You will see things differently,

Never stormy, just breezy.


Take the time to smell the roses,

And your pain will ease, it’s true,

Things will seem a little brighter,

No matter what you do.


Take the time to smell the roses,

Be a light unto others,

Reach out and touch someone special,

Give hope to your sisters and brothers.


Take the time to smell the roses,

A once dear friend, did say,

That she was sure that the roses will bless you,

Each and every day.


Take the time to smell the roses,

See the beauty in its thorn,

By taking the time to smell the rose,

Your trials won’t be long.


So this day, as I do write,

I wish this wish for you,

That you will smell the roses soon,

And see beauty in all you do.



An Angel Unto Me

by, Max The Poet


Today is a very special day,

The angels are smiling down,

They will dance with joy,

Cause your birthday's come around.


This year is special to all of us,

Because you have touched our heart,

By sharing your gift of love with us,

You've given a fresh start.


An angel unto me, that's what you are,

A gift so full of love,

You share that gift all year long,

It's a gift from God, above.


So sweet, Rita,

As you celebrate this day,

Know that the angels from everywhere,

Have just this one thing to say.


"We are blessed by your gentle nature,

We are glad when you are around,

Thank you for sharing your gift freely,

Your words are a joyful sound."


"We dance with joy with you today,

We honor the gift you share for free,

Happy birthday, sweet Rita,

You are an Angel unto me”