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Hi! My name is Tiffany Kerley and I am glad that you decided to stop by my page. First, I will tell you a little about myself.

I live in Dayton, Tennessee, and attend Rhea County High School as a senior. I am, of course, 17, almost 18. I was born on a cold January day...wait, I'm not going to tell that much.

I have a wide range of interests, including walking on the beach...wait, there I go typing what I'm reading again. I love just about any kind of music, except, country. I'm sorry, but it's lame and depressing. My favorites include Weezer, Dashboard Confessional, The Beatles, and the Monkees. I am an odd indivual....

I love acting, and have been in a couple of plays. My drama department at school has put on many plays, including As You Like It, The Crucible,Dirty Work at the Crossroads, The Mousetrap, and, The Cinderella Complex. I hope to minor in theater in college, that is, if I can decide which college to go to... I act in skits during church a lot, and enjoy every minute of it.

I am a Christian, and I love helping out in my youth group. Every Wednesday, I attend The Planet, which is an open youth group to any teen, put on by my church. It is held at my churches gym, and it is a a great chance for teens to worship God. We go on many trips including a week at the beach, and this great retreat in the spring called Spring Out. The camp is in Burmingham, Alabama, and it is a great chance to meet people and establish friendships that will last a lifetime.

I am on the track team, but this past year was my first year. Practices are hard, and I always complain, but, I haven't quit, so I think that means I like it. I am in the band. I love that as much as acting, but I couldn't pick one over the other. I play flute, and am 4th chair out of 18 or so. I am not too sure. I will move on now.

I'm not a very interesting person, but you are welcome to e-mail me at Or, you can just sign my guestbook. Thanks for stopping by, and, oh, check out my links!.

~~MY MUSIC!!!~~

I don't know if you can actually call it "my music" because I have no part in it. But here are some pages of mine dedicated to the awesome bands!

  • Now this is cool! Click here to go to my Monkees page!

  • This is an awesome band. They played at Bryan College in Dayton. Check out the page. It's great.

  • I think this is for The W's, but I'll check later.


    Ok, so I know most homepages don't have tributes on them, but these are something special. One is a page I made on the greatest basketball player to play the sport, Michael Jordan. And maybe a little about the six time champion team, the ChicagoBulls The others are for the Veterians and the students of Columbine highschool. My dad made these two.

  • Click here to go to my page honoring Michael Jordan.

  • This is a wonderful page on Columbine Highschool.

  • A page on the men and women who gave their lives for our country. Thanks guys.

    I haven't worked on the main page, but the links are doing great. Please visit them and tell me what you think by signing my guestbook!

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    Too many....go to my links page. Things to help you with html and other cool stuff!