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Historic Maps of Corinth, Maine



Historic Maps Historic Maps
University of New Hampshire DIMOND LIBRARY

Historic Maps can be of great interest to people researching their family’s history. In some cases, the Delorme maps are nice but the US Geological Survey even points out where houses were located. In the following maps, found thanks to a key in a recent article of DownEast Magazine, you can see how the Town of Corinth has evolved over the years. Because the USGS designs its maps in quadrants, the Town of Corinth is divided up in four sections. The coordinates for the center of town, 45°69°, are the corner of each of the maps indicated here. Further links are provided to the University of New Hampshire’s website, where other Maine maps can be explored.

The files on the New Hampshire website are very large (1.5- 2 MB), due to the way that they were scanned at the University of New Hampshire and will take a few minutes to load on a phone connected modem. The files provided here have been reduced in size for readability and ease of loading and are therefore not as high of a quality. Please be patient.


University of New Hampshire DIMOND LIBRARY
Documents Department & Data Center

Historic United States Geological Survey Maps of New England

Alphabetic Map Listing

Bangor 15 Minute





Boyd Lake 15 Minute




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