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The Commonwealth News

Newest News.....Todd (the new guy) got thrown out of his apartment and had to go to New York for awhile causing us to not play the Kennebunk Punk Fest...Sorry John. However, Josh was willing to play with us for the show with Counterpoise in Auburn and that went very well. Todd is back now and will continue to play bass for us.

Latest News.....We have played 2 shows with the new line-up. It is working out very well. Actually, we seem to be playing better then we did before. We also have 2 new songs that we are now playing. Come see us play and buy the split when it is out!

Newest News.....The test pressings that we got back for the C.D.S. split were really bad. However, now it is all taken care of and we have new test pressings that sound very good. The record will be out shortly.
Todd is working out very well. We have a lot of shows coming up soon so, keep you eyes open.

More News.....For the few fans of The Commonwealth that exist, here is some good news. We have solved our member problems. Todd (from Capital Security) will be playing bass for us. Pat (the old bassist) will be playing guitar and Westie (the old guitarist) will be playing drums.....He looks like a chicken when he plays, it's funny.

1.) The Commonwealth is finally done recording. The 7" split with C.D.S. will be pressed as soon as they come up with the rest of thier money. Everyone should send them an E-mail to get on thier case about it.

2.) Josh, drummer for the Commonwealth, got a job in Portland Maine and is now not in the band anymore. We are not giving up though. We are in the process of finding a replacement. It will be hard due to the fact that Josh is exactly what the Commonwealth needed for a drummer and with the new member, whoever it may be, it still won't be the same. Josh will be missed....Good Luck Josh!

Send us some E-mail by clicking on this chessy icon we liberated from some big corporate site!