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Hello and welcome to my little space on the WWW. I'm glad you stopped by. When you read my reviews, you'll know that I like movies. And I like to add my 2cents about those movies. I should have been a critic, but I had a need to have sharp instruments in my hands so I chose the next best career and became a dental hygienist.

I live in New Jersey in a brand new (for me) abode. I have one son, Brian, who is Eastern Accounts Manager for Response, The Magazine for Direct-to-Consumer Marketers. He's gettin' married next summer, and I've got the wedding-bell blues. Oy!

I'm a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan (could you tell?) and try to concoct various ways to be home on Sundays during football season so I can see my boys play!

In the summer time, my allegiance goes to the New York Yankees (2000 World Champs!).

In my other spare time, I collect elephants (Oh, what a surprise, have you seen my rating system in my video reviews?). My favorite soap opera is Days of Our Lives. I'm a big Martha Stewart fan (boring, huh?), love country music, oldies, Elvis & the Beatles.

When I need to get around, I tool around the Jersey highways and byways in my little 1993 Blue Miata (ok so this is a snapshot of a yellow one, but it's a Miata, & visual aids are very important).

Another passion of mine is collecting fruit stickers. I know, I know most people think this is a strange hobby, but the artwork is intricate and often incredible. I have books and books in this collection. And then of course there's my most recent hobby: the computer. I'm still in training.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is pleased to announce an expanded revenue-sharing program with has just selected the National Multiple Sclerosis Society as one of only ten non-profit organizations to become part of its new and exciting CharityLinks Program. More importantly, the MS Society is one of only two health-related organizations selected for this program.

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When you use this special link to, between 1% and 10%
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My Dental Pages
You, Too, Can Have A Great Smile
Ask the Hygienist
Lies of the Dental Hygienist
Dogs & Cats Need Dental Care Too
To Grind or Not to Grind
Stand-Up Comedy With the Hygienist
Signs Your Dentist is Crazy

My Other Pages
Deja Review
To my Online Friends
Chocolate Rules
See What's Cookin'
Kitchen Signs
Don't Get Caught
Tossin' & Turnin'
Things that Irritate a Sane Person
Kick the Couch Potato Habit
A Prayer

My Cyber Mascot

Radical Hygienist
Tooth Fairy

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Bon Temps