*Guys Girlfriends'*

This section is devoted to the guys and their whole girlfriend situation. I've dug up tons of interviews the guys have done on what they look for in a girl and how they feel about the constant rumors surrounding the whole issue.

This is the most recent girlfriend article. It's in the October issue of Bop and they got the news staright from the guys less than a month ago. I'd read it they confess A LOT...

The guys give the real deal on girlfriends

Here check out some exclusive pics of the guys with some of their 'rumored' lady friends. Prepare to be jelous...

see Justin get some booty

Justin, and I'm sorry to do this, Britney

see how Chris is cracking up the ladies

see Joey fly into love

see Lance luck out in love

see why JC isn't sleeping

Hey you Justin fans, man are you lucky. I've dug up every single quote Justin has ever said about love, his perfect girl, if he would date a fan, and anything else romantic. So check it out, after reading it, you'll know exactly what Justin wants in a girl and just how romantic he really is...

find out everythng you could want to know about Justin and love

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