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The Miller's

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Kat ~aka~ PurrKittyKat

Hi there my name is Kat. The 'BOSS' below is my other half and the love of my life, Ron or should I say I let him think he is......hahaha!!! We met in May of '94 and have been together since. We were married on Dec. 18th, 1999. It's been a GREAT 6 years, Thank You Sweety..... : )

I love spending time with my family, especially my Grandson!!! I am very much into crafts (all types). I enjoy genealogy, I've spent the past 20+ years researching our family lines, it's time consuming, but it is fun and very interesting, I love it. Both Ron and I enjoy playing pool and have been on an APA 9-Ball League. Ron and I both enjoy the Great Outdoors.



The Gang (an up to date pic is coming)

These are my 4 children, Matt 22, Meg 21, Nikki 20 and Ashley 17. I'm very proud of all of you.

Ron's e-mail-----> <----Kat's e-mail.

In Honor of my Father


Meg's page

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