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"> ŠöMë Š†üFf Ab† Më

Hihi people, this is just a simple page which I've done. It's been some time since i last updated this page.As you can homepage has a lot of rubbish links...Haha...If some cannot work d0n't blame me. I'm too lazy to make changes...

Well...I shall reveal a little of myself here. I'm currently 16 but will be turning 17 in early Dec. There's nuthing interesting abt me.My hobbies are basically listening to music, watching movies, surfing net, chatting, using the pc, cycling, swimming etc. When I'm at home sometimes I would go for a swim downstairs, or else I would be at home surfin net, hogging the fone,reading magazines and use the computer...I juSt like using the computer and there is not one day that I will not on it unless I’m very very busy.

Anyway if u wanna noe more about me then click the links below, the first one listed below will sort of tell u wat kind of bands and music I listen to....The rest of the links are juz extras one. Happy checking out this homepage of mine as long as it doesn't bore u =). Then if There're any broken links or watsoever u can email me at or u can also add me to ur icq list. My ICQ no: 70241338 .Do sign my guest book,i welcome any comments.

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do a Love TesT?
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sÊñd ë-Çârds hÊrë.....
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m¥ ¢ÕµsÏñ HømëPâgë...Jµz ÕÑë...Shë hâS mâÑ¥ µ ñøë...