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Hello *S*

Welcome to my History of learning Graphics Design and HTML on the net.

My First Love, My First Home, I'm currently taking online courses at ZDU Univeristy...... I have taken one course so far and that's learning to build your own computers. If my patiences holds out I might even become good at it *LOL* A site I recommend to everyone for learning anything that has to do with computers, computer graphics, anything!!! Take it from me,,,,If you want to learn,, Check out ZDU!!!!! You won't regret it!!!! *S*

But this page will be dedicated to Learnin Html and Web Page Design, It's will change daily as I learn all the neat things that I'm learning. If your a beginner like me feel free to email me and let me know*S* I'll be glad to share anything I can to the pursuitof learing. Mail me with comments or suggestion *S*

So saying that first let me say I love c o l o r ! ! !

I mean every color. I don't think I have ever found an ugly color yet. I love to paint and I know that even if a color is a shade different there is still a difference So my first goal is to make a color chart that has every possible color comination there is. It's probably been done already and if it has been Please I don't want to know *S* because I'm having so much fun creating my own *S* But if it hasn't then I'll be the first *LOL* Either way I'm having a blast while I'm learning *LOL*

"MY GOAL" List every possible hex code combination there is. These Lists will grow but for now you can view

My Color Pages!!!

,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,

All Colors From Beginning to end

Sites I visit daily

Price's Html Color Codes......


HTML Goodies.......