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Dead Zone
Movie 1
Movie 1 start's out whit that Piccolo is training in the mountains when sudenly four unknown warrior's and knocks out Piccolo. When at the same time Gohan is home and studying insekts.Then chi chi's father comes by whit presents to Gohan when he suddenly fals over him and there stands a strange villian he say's that he want's the the dragonball that gohan has on his head. Chi chi tells gohan to go in to the house while she try's to attack him but his comanions where in there.Chi chi get's knocked out and they tell gohan to run. Gohan run's in to the forest but get's abduct by the 3 strange villians. In the mean while gokou is at the lake when he sudenly get's a strange fealing. He run's back home when in the mean time gohan is in Garlic's castle. Garlic is planing to gather the 7 dragonballs and wish to get enternal life and take over the world. then two of Garlic's men goes to find the two last balls and the outher villian get's to ceap an eye on Gohan.In the mean time gokou is on the way to save gohan. After a while the two villians return with the two balls and Garlic makes the Dragon appear. Then Garlic makes his wish and the dragon disapperes. Suddenly gokou and Kamisama appears. Kamisama tells Garlic how he killed his father but gokou ain't interest off that and run's into the castle and there he startes to fight with the three villians and Garlic whit Kamisama. After a whild off fighting krilin comes to help gokou and Piccolo also came but not to help gokou he had some buisnes to do whit the three villians. Then suddenly gohan appears at a higher stage of the castle. Gokou tells Krilin to go upp and catch him before he fells. Then all start's to fight and in the mean time Garlic has hurted Kamisama very much and Kamisama is about to kill him self along with Garlic when suddenly Gokou and Piccolo apears after that they beaten upp the villians. They suddenly Garlic becomes big and Gokou and Piccolo starts to fight with him. After a while garlic shoots but Gokou and Piccolo stears it away and the palace starts to break appart and krilin drops gohan and rocks fell over him and Krilin gets a gigant rock on his head and pases out.Mean while Garlic takes on Gokou and Piccolo and runs them through the wall and lands on the ground with Gokou and Piccolo under him. Then Gokou and Piccolo starts to consentrate and beats up Garlic real bad. Later after that they tought that they killd Garlic Piccolo gets mad and wants to fight Gokou. Gokou and Piccolo starts to fight then suddenly Garlic appears again and creates a "dead zone" where everything will be sucked into.And the "dead zone" in the sky leads to another dimension and was especialy made for kamisama. Garlic makes this "dead zone" and it starts to suck in everybody and Gokou is screaming Gohans name then suddenly the rocks raises and Gohan stads there very mad then he lanses a energywav at Garlic so that he falls into the dimension himself.The dimension breaks apart like a mirror and falls into the ocean. Then Gokou,Gohan,Krilin and Kamisama walks away and then you can see Piccolo in a mounten with crossed hands as usualy. THE END

Email: vegeta100@hotmail.com