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You know WildC.A.T. member Grifter? What about WildCORE leader Backlash? They were all test subjects of IO (International Organization) to become super human beings. Through the experimentations, IO was attempting to unlock the Gen factor in ordinary human beings. The Gen factor was the factor in your DNA strand that allowed you to gain superhuman powers. The success rate was extremely slim but IO was determined to have super human soldiers. Years later after the experimentations were banned, IO began testing again. This time, they are testing on the children of the parents that were experimented on. They hoped that the Gen factor had ran in the family. When the experiments became too inhuman, John Lynch, former IO director freed Caitlin Fairchild, Bobby Lane (who is suppose to be John Lynch's son), Sarah Rainmaker, Percival "Grunge" Chang, and Roxy Spaudling. Now, they are on a constant run from IO.

Caitlin Fairchild was an intelligent 21-year old student studying at Princeton University. She was smart, funny, - but, she was a HUGE nerd. You could probably match her up with Bill Gates in a "Whose the Nerdest?" contest and it would always be a tie.

When the opportunity arose for her to gain some government experience she quickly took the opportunity. Unfortunately, she was captured, caged, and then experimented on by IO. When fellow test subjects Grunge and Roxy (who is most likely the half sister of Caitlin) had escaped, they helped Caitlin escape. When caught, Caitlin's her gen-factor powers activated changing her into a beautiful amazon. She supposedly weighs 300 lbs, is 6'3 tall, and her measurements are supposedly 38D-24-38. Due to the resurrection of her Gen powers,she has gained superhuman strength and near-invulnerability. She also has some psionic powers and has a mental bond to Freefall. On top of all that, Fairchild is a natural born genius. In my book, that's the perfect woman.

As the team's unofficial leader, she's led the team on countless adventures, many looking for her father. After Lynch reunited her with her father, Caitlin seemed happy until she and Roxy and Grunge were kidnapped by space aliens, and then sent to the future. In this future, Lynch, a man that Fairchild had grown quite fond of, was a bitter, angry man, that was willing to wipe out a good chunk of the human race to get even with the same space aliens that kidnapped Fairchild. To wipe out the aliens, Lynch was willing to kill Fairchild to obtain Gen factor DNA. Luckily, the future versions of Rainmaker and Burnout saved her.

Returning back to her normal time, she now feels akward around Lynch because she now knows what he's capable of. Sensing the tension that Fairchild has, Lynch brought her father to the secluded island where they were staying. Seemingly happy, she resorted back to her slump shortly after.


Sarah Rainmaker is Apache-born. When she was starting to develop her weather controlling powers, StormWatch brought her IO where she met her future team mates. After escaping to La Jolla, California, Rainmaker began hinting clues of her sexuality. Actually, she grabbed Roxy's ass and that's when everyone found out. The odd thing is, even though she's a lesbian, she shows signs of extreme interest to Bobby Lane, Burnout. They were drunk at the time, but who knows?

Her power includes weather manipulation, firing electric bolts from the bands she wears on her wrists, and walking around in the nude. (8-)>
