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Mike Fisher's Tenshinkai Aikido Page

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Read Sensei Dang Thong Phong's complete interview in Aikido Today Magazine - #75; Vol. 15, No 3; May/June '01 page 11 through 15.

Sensei Dang Thong Phong and me during a recent trip to the Tenshinkai Aikido Headquarters Dojo in Westminister California.

Class photo during Sunday morning practice at the Headquarters Dojo.

Sensei Phong demonstrating Tenshinage Technique.

Sensei Richard Pham in action.

Another class photo during Sunday morning practice at the Headquarters Dojo.

Me and Hop receive our official Dan rank certificates from Aikikai in Japan. 11-4-2000

Sensei Hop with his certificate. 11-4-2000

Me and my certificate. 11-4-2000

Tenshinkai Blackbelts with Sensei Phong

My Aikido ID Photo...

My Tenshinkai ID Photo.

NEW MPEGS! Click the underlined link below!- use netscape browser for best viewing

Our Head Instructor perfoming jo kokyunage with me.

Video- Sensei Huu Nage and I am taking ukemi

NEW MPEGS! Click the underlined link below! (BEST VIEWED USING NETSCAPE BROWSER)

Download or open this mpeg of Sensei Ken and I practicing Tantodori Suki Sankyu Ura!

Video -I love Sankyu techniques!

NEW MPEGS! Click the underlined link below!

SENSEI KEN'S JO KOKYUNAGE- mpeg download or open.

Video -Sensei Ken is the nage and I am taking ukemi.

Fisher Sensei- muni suki Randori- mpeg download or open.

Video- Mune Suki Randori Thank you ukes!.

Here is a photo of the founders of Austin Tenshinkai.

Sensei Tran Phu Huu and Sensei Phuong Minh Nguyen of Austin Dojo.


Sensei Triet Tran.

Birdsong senseis and Tenshinkai Founder (in center).

Birdsong Senseis and Phong Sensei

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - get yourself a page!
UPDATED Official Tenshinkai Web Site
Excellent Tenshinkai site!
Florida Tenshinkai
Page about Steven Seagal- Yes, he is for real!
Datu Kelly - Brutal but intresting!
International Aikido links!
Excellent Aikido faq with lots of grafics!
Aikido MPEGS compliments of John Murry
Excellent Jujitsu Video Clips

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