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Cyanne's Awesome Picks

I am always on the lookout for new links, as the people on my lucky icq list would know. (As an aside, I split my icq list into “cute urls”, “sick Urls” or “no urls.” Just to tell you, if you end up being on my list. Again, my icq number is 907 9336. If you can’t decide which list is for you then go through this one.

Cute url list. you are fun loving,  outgoing and innocent.  A person can sell you a litter of kittens even though you already own 4 strays rescued from your neighborhood. You also make homepages for your beloved pets..... Edited July 2015

ORISINAL very impressive guest book
An archive of very pretty 3-D images... good for building homepages.
All about Chinese culture, language, even has a chat room in ping yin.
if you love quizzes, (I hate them!) you would find your heaven here: