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Saturday 25 April 1998
At C.O.P. Shop # One
904 N. Walnut Street
Muncie, Indiana

Published : 14 May 1998
Up-Dated : 31 March 2007

Publisher : Ervin Davis

President / Coordinator : Morningside CRIME WATCH

Technical Editor : Kimberly Davis

Editor / Publisher : Phat Cats Magazine

Photo Credits : Sue Leonard
Community Developement : City Hall

WELCOME....Morningside CRIME WATCH extends this WELCOME to KIDs DAY .................Enjoy !

What's KIDs DAY ?

........KIDs DAY is an annual cost-FREE public event for kids and their parents that is assembled and sponsored by civilian volunteers.

........Some of this years "KIDs DAY" events included an oldies Car Show, Clowns, Band, Face Painting, Balloons, Magician, K-9 demonstrations, Hands-on bubble display from Children’s Museum, Indian Lodge (Tee-Pee) with story tellers, City / County / State Police Cars (every law enforcement agency in Delaware County was invited) , Fire Truck, Ambulance, SWAT display, Horse Patrol, National Guard vehicles and displays, FREE food, drinks, prizes, candy, boys & girls bikes given away, Train rides, Police car rides, door prizes given away all day........, and alot more !

........ This years "KIDs DAY" was a 4 month planning project that concluded with another annual opportunity for kids and their parents to enjoy a cost-FREE fun afternoon together in a safe environment with refreshments and entertainment while meeting representatives from various public safety agencies, National Guard and others who were on hand with the emergency vehicles and equipment they use to safeguard our city, county, state and nation.

........Everything is always FREE at the annual KIDs DAY (aka : "McKinley KID's DAY") sponsored by McKinley Neighborhood Association, Inc. and Morningside CRIME WATCH, Inc. at C.O.P. Shop Number One here in Muncie, Indiana....., where every kid, teen and their parents are always welcome !

Tribute of THANKS to KIDs DAY 1998 Supporters and Participants

  • 1.....AIR COMMANDO ASSOCIATION (U.S. Air Force) : ret Brig. General Harry C. "Heinie" Aderholt put me in contact with a fellow Air Commando, ret. USAF Senior Master Sergent David Harrington, who brought Color Guard personnel from the Anderson V.F.W. and American Legion, along with Ladies Auxiliary, who conducted an outstanding Flag Raising and Flag reverence program, topped off with a twenty-one (21) gun salute !
    When his assistance was requested, Senior Master Sargent David Harrington truely responded in accordance to our legendary Air Commando motto : "Any Time - Any Place". Thank you Sir.
  • 2.....AIRCRAFT MODELs were sent from Stepping Stones headquarters in Alabama.
    ( See their kid sized aircraft in Muncie at "Summer Heat Festival" - Aug. 8 - 9th 1998.)
  • 3.....ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT sent a Policeman with vehicle display.
  • 4.....AMERICAN LEGION , Post # 127 from Anderson : on hand with their Color Guard did a fantastic flag dedication and twenty-one gun salute to start things off patriotically.
    Then those wonderful folks stayed on board to hand out FREE flags to the kids.
  • 5.....ANTIQUE MUNCIE POLICE CAR was on display.
  • 6.....A.P.C (Armored Personnel Vehicle) from Muncie Armory open for inspection.
  • 7.....ARTILLERY : a huge 155mm from the National Guard unit Armory in Nobelsville .
  • 8.....A.T.F. (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) Indy Investigators sent ‘SpecialAgent' badges.
  • 9.....BALL HOSPITAL -- Cardinal Health System, Inc. provided keychain flashlights.
  • 10.....BALL STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS POLICE DEPARTMENT : had Police car on display, with large read-out that calculated speeds of passing motorists for them to see.
  • 11.....BALLOONS were inflated, tied onto strings and given away to kids by volunteers.
  • 12.....BAND : The fantastic "Touch of Class", Tim & Betty Resler
  • 13.....BANGKOK, THAILAND POLICE : is where the gifts came from the greatest distance for KIDs DAY when Lt. Col. Montri Manunartvimonkid read about last years KIDs DAY on the Internet, then as we exchanged information and he heard about this years event, he then so kind-heartedly sent a special delivery of a lovely flower hand crafted by northern Thailand hill tribesmen and his Disciplinary Division Supervisor friend sent a Royal Thai Lady Police Officers dress uniform hat with a large silver metal badge as gifts for kids, and those items became the furthest gift origins for KIDs DAY 1998.
  • 14.....BASKIN ROBBINS of Muncie and Anderson sent coupons for FREE Ice Cream.
  • 15.....BASKETBALL : Kids shot hoops with Policemen, Firemen, National Guard & others.
  • 16.....BEECH GROVE CEMETERY supported KIDsDAY for the second year.
  • 17.....BOARD OF HEALTH OF DELAWARE COUNTY had a representative manning a booth.
  • 18.....BOXELL SIGN Company donated a lovely banner. 616 N. Broadway, 289-8833.
  • 19.....BRANDON INSURANCE provided essential consulting. 301 W. Main St., 282-7677.
  • 20.....CAR SHOW : Vintage cars from the "CENTRAL INDIANA OLD CARS CLUB"
  • 21.....CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Janitorial Staff supported clean-up of area we expanded into.
  • 22.....CENTRAL OXYGEN COMPANY helped the 2nd year with Helium for FREE balloons.
  • 23.....CENTURY CABLE TV Ch. 15 provided announcement support weeks in advance.
  • 24.....CHAPLAINS from the Muncie Police Department gave dedication prayer.
  • 25.....CHIEF OF POLICE -- (MPD) : . Joe Winkle played basketball with kids.
  • 26.....CHILDREN MUSEUM had bubble display kids adored. What's happening ? 286-1660
  • 27.....CITY HALL sent film person, for 1 of 5 hours, providing some documentation.
  • 28.....CIVIL AIR PATROL Units displayed equipment to locate crashed aircraft.
  • 29.....CLAUDETTE KING -- County Recorder candidate - donated decorations.
  • 30.....CLOWNS ("Buttons & Bows") made balloon creations given to kids.
  • 31..... COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ofCity Hall gave paint & provided employee Sue Leonard to take pictures.
  • 32..... COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF MUNCIE, INC. was the sole Grant supporter.
  • 33.....C.O.P. SHOPS -- ( Community Oriented Policing Shops ) had table displays and an assortment of FREE stuff.
  • 34.....COMMUNITY POLICING Officer Lt. Charles "Chuck" Hensley (M.P.D.) was present filming, having fun photos taken with kids and helping out where needed.
  • 35.....COMMUNITY POLICING CONSORTIUM of Washington, D.C. provided materials that were given away to the general public.
  • 36.....CONGRESSMAN McIntosh -- Muncie Offices - made contributions.
  • 37.....CONSERVATION OFFICER Westell brought two vehicle displays, plus attention getter lifelike remote control deer D.N.R, uses to catch persons illegally hunting deers.
  • 38.....CONCERNS of POLICE SURVIVORS -- (C.O.P.S.) - Had a representative : Molly Winters, who provided hand-out materials made available to our guests.
    Molly is president of the Indiana Chapter of C.O.P.S. and is active with the Indiana Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team.
    Molly Winters is the surviving spouse of Muncie Police Officer Gregg Winters, who was killed in the line of duty on January 8, 1991, when he was shot while transporting a prisoner.
  • 39......C.O.P. SHOP # 5 -- (Thomas Park - Avondale) -- Was on hand at a table full of action figgures and other toys they gave away all day to delighted children.
  • 40.....COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ron Bonnham donated candy for the kids.
  • 41.....CRIME PREVENTION COALITION of INDIANA provided support & contributions
  • 42.....CRIME LAB Mobile Command Van from MPD was open for public tours.
  • 43..... CRIME WATCH from Morningside had a display table full of FREE stuff.
  • 44.....CRIMINAL JUSTICE students from Muncie Area Career Center.
  • 45.....D.A.R.E. Bear from MPD danced around amusing the kids and their parents.
  • 46.....D.A.R.E. Officer from the Delaware County Sheriff's Department walked around handing out free stuff to the kids.
  • 47.....D.A.R.E. Police Officers from the Muncie City Police Department
  • 48.....DELAWARE COUNTY SHERIFF Steve Aul donated to the event, and attended with other officers and made sure kids enjoyed themselves. Sheriff Aul has been very supportive of Crime Watch groups, Neighborhood Associations and youth oriented events.
  • 49.....DONATO's PIZZA on were generous contributors. N. Tillison Ave., 286-5555.
  • 50..... DRUG INTERDICTION Czar of the Indiana National Guard provided materials. More National Guard information can be found at
  • 51.....DUNK TANK was positioned safely away from everything else.
  • 52.....EAST CENTRAL REINVESTMENT CORP. display of neighborhood improvements.
  • 53.....E.M.S. --- Emergency Medical Services had a walk-in ambulance display and offered FREE Blood Pressure checks. They have been with KIDs DAY since it began.
  • 54.....ENGINEER of MUNCIE : Mark Turner, provided essential aireal photo map support.
  • 55.....FACE PAINTING for kids was done by Kimberly Davis & Faye Haskins.
  • 56.....FAMILY KITCHEN RESTAURANT contributed. meal coupons. 1617 N. Wheeling
  • 57.....F.B.I. of Muncie sent alot of neat stuff that were collected by kids, and crime prevention material distribution to C.O.P. Shops.("Thanks for coordinating help Cindy !")
  • 58.....FENCE decorations, Cup advertizement & Banners were the domain of Roy Davis and Kimberly Davis. ("Thanks kids !") Duwayne Price removed banners.
  • 59.....FIRE DEPARTMENT (M.F.D.) had a Hook & Ladder Fire Truck on display.
  • 60.....FISHER BRAKE SHOP : essential space & contributions. 104 N. Maple, 288-5851.
  • 61.....FOOD given away FREE all day : Hot Dogs, Chips, Pop Corn, Pepsi, assorted Candy.
  • 62.....G & M Gardening Shop provided attractive floral support. 2014 N. Walnut, 288-9931.
  • 63.....GIANT 10 foot tall National Guard Mascot walked around entertaining.
  • 64.....GO-FER services, fill-in help etc. provided by Roy Davis. "Thanks son !"
  • 65.....GUARDIAN FLOWERS donated lovely flowers. 9291 South S.R. 3, 747-9178.
  • 66.....HORSE PATROL has two officers who sat kids on their horses..
  • 67.....HOT AIR BALLOON was being repaired and couldn't make it.
  • 68.....HUM-V vehicles came from two National Guard Units. One from the Nobelsville Armory and the other from the Muncie Armory, on Country Club Road.
  • 69.....INDIAN Tee-Pee Lodge, where guests went inside with Native American story tellers
  • 70.....INDIANA STATE POLICE had 3 display vehicles and helped with other functions.
  • 71.....INDIANA UNIVERSITY sent Basketball Team and Coach Bobby Knight photos.
  • 72.....INDIANAPOLIS MAYOR GOLDSMITH office provided a lead.
  • 73.....JEFF LEIST of the Muncie Police personally donated a banner creation.
  • 74.....J.R.O.T.C. from Muncie Central High School again this year provided road crossing guards for kids & parent safety. The JUNIOR R.O.T.C. were eager helpers, providing distinguished roles as Road Guards and other assistance contributions.
  • 75.....K-9 & Patrolmen Turner and Eber gave kids thrilling K-9 demonstrations.
  • 76.....LIONs CLUB let guests park free at the Delaware Coounty Fair Grounds, where they were provided free MITS Shuttle Bus serrvices- (Muncie Indiana Transit),
  • 77.....MAGICIAN from Winchester Police Department performed magic tricks.
  • 78.....MARATHON PANTRY ( Broadway & Centennial ) strengthened KIDs DAY with annual support.
  • 79.....MARK's THINGS YOU NEED STORE, 118 E. Wysor St., donated sporting equipment
  • 80.....MARSH Stores of Muncie supported KIDs DAY.
  • 81.....McKINLEY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSN. sponsored the KIDs DAY event.
  • 82.....MEIJER Store of Muncie provided outstanding support.
  • 83.....MERCHANTS from Delaware, Henry & Madison County donated merchandise.
  • 84.....MITCH UPCHURCH provided essential space allocation for KIDs DAY by generiously allowing expansions onto his land. Thank you Sir !
  • 85.....MILLER FLOWER SHOP helped with lovely flowers. 705 E. 5th St., 284-9704.
  • 86.....MINNETRISTA CULTURAL CENTER was kind enough to make their site available for any of our activity expansion needs. Call about exibits : 741-5114.
  • 87.....MORNINGSIDE CRIME WATCH coordinated outdoor activities, had display table, freebees & volunteers from Morningside Neighborhood.
  • 88.....MUNCIE CLEAN CITY provided sanitation support.
  • 89.....MUNCIE POLICE DEPT. had several displays.
  • 90.....NATIONAL GUARD -- had Units from two separate Indiana National Guard Armories, who both did a fantastic job and had magnificent hands-on displays. The Muncie Armory and the Nobelsville Armory were widely appreciated by everyone at KIDs DAY. Our Muncie Armory Guardsmen provided an array of annual dependable support, that included displays of their HUM-V, their Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) with a top mounted 50 calliber heavy machinegun, rifle simulator and display table spread full of materials that people enjoyed. This was the first year for the Nobelsville Armory who had an impressive155mm Artillery Cannon, HUM-V vehicle and a mammoth sized canvas topped Truck that was also on display. For more information about Indiana National Guard, see their magazine at
  • 91.....NATIONAL TOWN WATCH provided material support.
  • 92.....NAZE-PERRY Insurance Company provided insurance coverage.
  • 93.....NEIGHBORHOOD COORDINATOR Angie Anderson, in City Hall Mayor's Office, was good contact person.
  • 94.....NIGHTHAWK RESEARCH had an attractive Private Investigator display table and manned by the Director : Tom Delaney, a recently retired Muncie Police Officer.
  • 95.....PARKS DEPARTMENT of Muncie have been great annual supporters.
  • 96.....PEPSI of Muncie provided FREE soda for everyone all day long.
  • 97.....PHAT CATS Magazine Staffer Kimberly Davis & Faye Haskins painted faces of kids.
  • 98.....PICTURES taken with Police Lt. Charles Hensley. Kids took photos home.
  • 99.....PIZZA KING of Muncie contributed TWO seven inch pizza coupons.
  • 100.....POP CORN was popped fresh & bagged, FREE to guests. (Over 50 lbs of corn was cooked & bagged by Mrs. Charolette Watters of.Morningside.)
  • 101.....PORTA-POTTIES provided via City Hall , thanks to Mayor Dan Canan.
  • 102.....PRAIRIE CREEK RESIVOUR POLICE had display vehicle & brought goodies.
  • 103.....PRECISION IMAGE provided fantastic banner. 2700 1/2 N. Wheeling, 289-4606.
  • 104.....PROSECUTOR CANDIDATE Candidate Donald Dunnuck contributed support.
  • 105.....PROSECUTOR of Delaware County - Rick Reed contributed support.
  • 106.....RADIO & TVStations Bloomington to Ft.Wayne & Union City to Indy announced it
  • 107.....RED CROSS Disaster Van, opened to public access, thanks to Muncie Chapter .
  • 108.....ROSS COMMUNITY CENTER helped immensely ! -- 1110 W. 10th St , 747-4741.
  • 109.....ROSS - WISE Grocery Store provided their dependable annual support.
  • 110.....SAFE KIDS organization had a lovely display table with FREE materials.
  • 111.....SALVATION ARMY Directors Micheal & Shirley Myers had Disaster van display.
  • 112.....SCUBA underwater unit from the Muncie Police Dept. was on hand.
  • 113.....SHUTTLE BUS from M.I.T.'s provided FREE transportation to / from parking.
  • 114.....SIGN SHOP of Muncie provided support.
  • 115.....SIRLOIN STOCKADE Restaurant contributed. 4949 W. Hessler Rd., 287-9051
  • 116.....SPORTING equipment was donated from the Wysor Street shop.
  • 117.....STAR PRESS NEWSPAPER published front page story & photo, 26 April 1998.
  • 118.....STATE REPRESENTATIVE TINY ADAMS supported KIDs DAY again this year and donated two bicycles given away to a lucky boy & girl.
  • 119.....STREET DEPARTMENT provided genuine support.
  • 120.....SWAT (Special Weapons Assault Team) had excellent equipment display.
  • 121.....TARGET Department Store of Muncie contributed their support.
  • 122.....TELEVISION Ch. 15 can air event, as filmed by City Hall photographer Eric Evans.
  • 123.....TEXAS ROADHOUSE Restaurant donated meal coupons. -- 200 W. McGalliard Rd.
  • 124.....THOMAS PARK - AVONDALE Neighborhood Assn. was a very dependable BIG help, as always, when needed !
  • 125.....TIPTON, Indiana Mayor provided an excellent contact direction.
  • 126.....TRAIN RIDES provided all day long FREE by Mr. Long and his wonderful family.
  • 127.....UNIFORMED PATROL DIVISION (MPD) stopped by during the busy day.
  • 128.....VISITORS BUREAU included our event in pamphlets distributed to other cities & states. Director Victoria Veech was very helpful ! --- 425 N. High St., Rm # 7 , (765) 284-2700
  • 129.....V.F.W. (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Post # 268, from Anderson Indiana who was on hand with a Color Guard and a twenty-one gun salute during the Flag raising cerimoney at KIDs DAY 1998.
  • 130.....VOLUNTEERS from several neighborhoods handed out food & helped where needed.
  • 131..... Wall Mural was touch-up painted by most of the original volunteer artists.
  • 132.....WERK radio station was on hand with a Disk Jockey live remote broadcast.
  • 133.....WLBC provided an interview they kept replaying to make eastern Indiana aware.
  • 134.....WMDH radio station provided contribution support for the second year.
  • 135.....YMCA provided a lucky kid with a one year membership.
  • 136.....YOUR ADVICE, included, in case you decide to plan something like KIDs DAY.
    Keep in mind that the above list of accomplishments reflect only around 30 % -to- 50 % of all the more predominate contacts made requesting support. So before launching your major event, be sure to click here for some useful advice..... [ X ] .


    THANKS to everyone who supported KIDs DAY 1998 , from Muncie to Bangkok !