I've done extensive research; each word in this list has its source in at least one of the books in the literature list below. But there still can be some misinterpretations in this list.
raithin = fortification
raon = field
rap = wet grass-landAS
ratin = fortress, residence, a rampart HL, JM
ratis = fern PS
raud = red
reda = 4 wheeled wagon, cart HL, JM
regu = I straighten
rene = rebirth (#) IW
rextu(s) = law, order, arrangement HL, JM
rhena = Rhine (#) IW
rica = lane of seed
rigion = kingdom
rigyo- = realm ?, rich ?, powerful ? (pC) (suffixed form) HM
ritu = passage
ritum = wheel
ritus = runner
riuros = "frost time" (month) (m)RW
rix, rigo(s) = king HL, JM
-rix, -rex, -reix = king, chief PS
ro- = very
ro- = (pC) (intensive prefix) HM
rocca = rook
rowero = sufficiency (pC) HM
saf = swampAS
talo/s = brow, ground
sagus/m (pl: sagi) = woolen cloak that only covers the back (not the shoulders) or "long tunic"
saliva = spittle
salmo = salmon, "the leaping fish" HM
samain = a certain feast
samon/ios = summertime, summery-end or seed-time (month)(m)RW
-samus (superlative suffix) = -est (superlative suffix) HL, JM
sapo = soap hair colourer
sasiam = rye
sedlon = see, place
sego- = strength PS
Segodunum = Wurzburg, D? (#) BC, JM
segomaros = the name of the son of villo/nos 1st/2nd century BC. at Vaucluse (Nimes,France?)
sel = swamp (#)
selua = possession HL, JM
seno- = old
seno(s) = old HL, JM
senomagus = the old plain (#)
sexta = sevenJM
sextametos = seventh PS, JM
sigovesus = `he who can conquer`, the name of an important leader 400 BC
simiuisonnos = "semi-springtime", month (m)RW
Singidunum = Beograd, Serbia (#) BC, JM
slogi = people
slogi, slugi = servant, slave HL, JM
smer = fat, grease HL, JM
so-sendha = that yonder HL, JM
sosin = that, this HL, JM
sosio = this
stannum = tin
sto- = standing (pC) HM
strato-, srato-, wide river valley (pC) HM
su- = beautiful, good
suadu(s) = pleasant HL, JM
sub = with
sucarus = well-loved PS
sucellus = good beater, hammergod (+)
suex = sixJM
suexos = sixthJM
suiorebe = to sisters PS
sukko- = swine, snout of a swine, plowshare (pC) (expressive form)HM
sunartiu = with the good strength
tamisium = sieve
taran- = thunder-
taratrum = auger
tarb/h = bull (GB)
tarbh feis = bull-festival (GB)
taringa, tarinca = spike, point, nail (GL) PS
taruos = bull HL, JM
tarvos = bull
tarvostrigaranus = bull-god with 3 cranes (+)
tazgo- = badger (pC) (totemic name) HM
taxi- = soft
tegia = hut
teuoxtoni(o)n = of gods and men PS
teutha, touta, tota, teuto = tribe, settlement, people PS, HL, JM
teut(h)ates, toutates = protector of the tribe (+)
Teutoburgium (Hungary) (#) BC, JM
thigernum = - lord (GL) PS
thigernum = house HL, JM
thirona, sirona = star, also the name of a goddess (+) HL, JM
tinca = tench
Tincommios = the name of the son of Commios (BB)
to = to, in, from HL, JM
Tolosa = Toulouse, F (#) HL, JM
torko, torka = torque, neck-ring OS
tout(o)- = people
toutiorix = ruler of the tribe(+) (=other name for teutates)
tragus = foot HL, JM
treide = foot? PS
tri = threeJM
Tricasses = Troyes, F (#) BC, JM
tricontis = period of 30 days (m)
trinanto = 3 valleys (#)
The triquetrum image was used as a typical decoration by Gauls
ue, ve = under HL, JM
uediju = I beseech
uediiumi = I pray PS
uer, ver = over HL, JM
Uernodubrum, Vernodubrum = alder-water BC, JM
uertragus, vertragus = swift-footed dog HL, JM
uindo(s), vindo(s) = white HL, JM
uinom = wine
uirus, virus = true HL, JM
uisu(s), visu(s), uesus, vesus = worthy HL, JM
uta = and AC
uxello = noble
Uxellodunum (F) (#) BC, JM
uxello(s) = high HL, JM
Uxisame (F-Brittany) (#) BC, JM
valo, ualo = leader PS
vasso = vassal, servant OS
(-)vec- = fight? PS
velleda = female soothsayer
velo = I see
ver-, vero-, viro- = over, super, leader PS
vercingetorix = name of a chief king (`who marches against the foe`?), see "cingetos"
vercobreto, vergobretus = burgomaster
vercobreto (dual) = (two) magistrates HL, JM
(para-) veredus = post-horse PS
vergo = judgement
Vergobretes = "executioners of the law"
vergobretus, uergobretus = chief magistrate, with power over life and death HL, JM
verica = name of the son of commios (BB)
vernos = alder
vernomagus = alder field / old field
Verona = Verona, I (#) (maybe pronounced uerona?) HL, JM
verritus = `super-runner`, name of a king of the Frisii 1st century BC.
verrix = super-king
vertragos / us = fast hunting dog, greyhound (imported by the Romans?) PS
vesus = good
vices = "those who fight" (pC) HM
vid = to see
vids = seeing
vidu = wood, forest, tree (#)
vindo- = white PS
Vindobona = Vienna, Vindonissa (CH) (#)BC, JM
viria = wristband (bracelet?)
viriae = bracelets (pC) HM
viriola/e = belt
Visurix= (name. probably Teutonic)
vlatos = chief, prince
vo- = under
Vulcanos = god (of fire?) (+)
was = mud AS
wasso- = "one who stand under" (pC) HM
wero- = true ? (pC) HM
wik = to fight, conquer (pC) HM
wo- = under (pC) HM
yowanko = gallowglass (pC) HM
I hereby wish to thank Andrea De Vecchi, mr. J. Mascitelli and mr. X. Delamarre for adding many Gaulish words to this list.