I've done extensive research; each word in this list has its source in at least one of the books in the literature list below. But there still can be some misinterpretations in this list.
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mag, magos, magus = field, plain (#)
maglo, magalo = prince
magu- = boy OS
magu(s) = happy, youth, servant, maiden HL, JM
makwos = daughter OS
mal = sloppy, marshy AS
malo = laudation
malorix = `king ful of praise`, name of a king of the Frisii, 1st century BC.
mandu = to deal with
maniax = collar
marca, markan = horse
maretak = `what heals everything` (be careful: poisonous!)
maro = chestnut (imported in the Netherlands by the Romans)
-maros = big
marra = bunch
marus = great HL, JM
mas(t) = swamp AS
Massalia = Marseille, F (#) BC, JM
mat = 14th day of the "riuros", a certain month (m)
mat, matu = good, complete, period of 30 days (m)
mata = pile
mataris = javelin, cutter
matres, matrebo = mother HL, JM
matrona = female tree-nymph, the maternal (pl: matronae)(+)
meacan = root
med = me
medio = middle
Mediolanum = Milano, I (#) BC, JM
medugenus = Gaulish name
melinus = black, dark
melo, mello = mountain, hill (#)
Melun (F) (#) BC, JM
menta = peppermint
mesga = French megue HL, JM
midx = month PS
mnas = sisters PS
molto- = sheep (pC) HM
mor/i = sea (#)
Morini = people, living near the sea
Mosomagus = Mouzon, F (#) BC, JM
moza (, mosa?) = to moult, symbol of transformation (#) IW
mrog = territory, land (pC) HM
multo = ram
mutta = clay pile
-na = daughter of -
nage = not (reconstructed word)
nametos = ninth PS
nanto = valley HL, JM
natina = darling
nau = nine JM
naumetos = ninth JM
neddamon delgu linda = (may?) I hold the drinks for the nearest PS
Nemausus = Nemours, F (#) Nimes, F (#) BC, JM
Nemetacum = Arras (#) BC, JM
Nemetobriga (Spain) (#) BC, JM
nemeton = sacred wood (pl: nemeta), sanctuary HL, JM , sacred grove (#) PS
neptacus = grand-daughter HL, JM
nerto- = strength
nertovalus = born leader? PS
nerto/n = power
-nes = from the - (eg: dervones=from the oak)
neuio(s), nouio(s) = new HL, JM
Noreia = Hungary BC, JM
nox = night (m)
novio-/s = new
Noviodunum = Soissons, F (#) BC, JM
Novio magus= new plain, Nijmegen (NL) (#)
Numantia(Spain) (#) BC, JM
-obnos = fear
ogronios, ogron = cold (month) (m) PS, RW
oino(s) = one JM
ol- = great
ollamh, ollav = highest druid (+)
onda = this PS
onno = ash-tree PS
oppidum = fortification on a hill
ops = eye ? sight ? HM
orb = inheritance, heir, heritage, successor HL, JM
ordo- = hammer (GB) HM
ordovices = "those who fight with hammers" (GB) HM
ordowik = ordovices (pC) HM
orge (to-) = to destroy, to kill, occide PS
Orgetorix = king that crushes PS
oxtu = eight JM
oxtumeto = eighth PS,JM
paraueredus, paraveredus = spare horse
pari, ari, are = before (pC) HM
parriko- = marsh
pempe = five also JM
pennelocos (genitive) = end of a lake HL, JM
penno- = head
pentyern = chief-nobleman, king (GB?)
peplos = mantle
percunia = oak
pet = hat (NL)
peth = gathering of men to discuss justice or another important matter
petor-JM , petuar = four
petor-ritum = four-wheeled cart HL, JM
petrucorii = the four hosts HL, JM
petrudecametus = 14thJM (GL)
pettia = patch
pettium = piece
petuar = four
pink = little finger (NL)
pinpetos = fifth also JM
p/leu = to stream
ponto = small boat
prenne = ilex
pusa = god of the countries (+)
I hereby wish to thank Andrea De Vecchi, mr. J. Mascitelli and mr. X. Delamarre for adding many Gaulish words to this list.
More info about the writer / editor
Index Dutch bronze age
Index first farmers in the Netherlands