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Index Dutch bronze age
Index first farmers in the Netherlands
Images of Gaulish culture #2

Images of Gaulish culture #1

These images were provided by the "Musee Archeologique" in Dyon.

All objects are Gallo-Roman unless otherwise specified.
The term "Gallo-Roman" points at the end of the French iron age and the Romanising of Gaul thereafter, about 55 BC until the 4th century.
Please note that some Gaulish parts of its culture were absorbed by the Romans and were even practised until the early Middleages...
An astonishing example is the worshipping of Sequana until the 8th century...

Treasure of Blanot, Cote d'Or, bronze age, 10th century BC.

Wooden ex-voto, Sources de la Seine (near Dyon).

Sequana, goddess, Sources de la Seine (near Dyon), bronze

Thirona and Apollon, gods, bronze.

Dying Gaul, Greek sculpture, marble, end of 3rd century BC, at the temple of Athen at Pergam. The sculpture was made as a sign of triumph for Attale the 1st (king of Pergam) who conquered the Gauls in Galatia about 230 BC.

Eyes, one of many bronze ex-voto objects, this one as part of a Gallo-Roman grave gift with numerous Roman coins, deposed in a very large jar, dedicated to Sequana at the Sources de la Seine (near Dyon).

Female wood carving, Sources de la Seine.

Funeral monument, representing a horse trader, Dijon.

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