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Index Dutch Bronze Age
Index first farmers in the Netherlands

News about findings 
(before 2000 B.C.E.)

The purpose of this page is to keep people informed about the knowledge concerning ancient techniques and discoveries.
date (ddmmyyyy) subject (country) author / source
07031999 The arrows and health of the Ötztaler glacierman.(AU)
Recent examinations of the arrows of the Ötztaler glacierman (aka "Ötzi") have revealed striking details. 
The feathers of his arrows were inserted in a special way (oblique) so the arrow would spin during its flight. This would cause a better chance of hitting targets that were close in range. 
There is also news about his health. He appeared to have probably suffered from diarrhoea since he had eaten some mushrooms against this disease. 

More information

Discovery Channel
26081998 A neolithic graveyard (NL) 
A neolithic graveyard has been found about 5 km east of Den Haag (Rijswijk, Ypenburg). 
It dates from 3500 B.C.E., contained over 15 graves of men, women and children. They were all buried in phoetus position on their sides in shallow pits: in N-S as well as E-W direction 
There were no grave goods included, but last year some flint tools and remains of small buildings were found in the same area. 
The remainings will be detected for traces of DNA to determine family relations between the dead. 
Robert van Heeringen ("Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek") leads the investigation. 
Tv News
14051998 A late mesolithic canoo (NL)
A 7000 years old canoo has been found 20 km east of Rotterdam ("Hardinxveld-Giessendam"). 
It measures 5,50 m X 0,45 m 
The sides are about 1 cm thick and the wood is probably the relatively soft linden-tree 
About 6 - 8 man could be transported, or a large deer.... 
The remainings will be transported to the "Nederlands Instituut voor Scheeps- en Onderwaterarcheologie" in Lelystad (NL) 
Tv News
01121997 A late mesolithic settlement (NL)
In the "Polder Breeveld", near Gouda, tools were found from people that lived here about 4500 B.C.E. The tools included stone axes and scrapers. It is possible they lived in a sort of hunting camp. All findings are being examined by the "Rijksdienst voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek" in Amersfoort.
Tv News
27111997 Finding of a late mesolithic grave (NL)
A female skeleton has been found 20 km east of Rotterdam ("Hardinxveld-Giessendam"). She was buried 5000 B.C.E. (±300 years) between black soil, surrounded by white sand. It`s the oldest complete skeleton ever found in the Netherlands. The cultural horizon is probably "hunters / gatherers": (late) mesolithic. 
Near her body unique subjects were discovered: 
  • axes, made of elk 
  • antler 
  • a bow (elm-tree) 
  • 2 paddle blades (ash-tree) 
  • rests of fishes 
  • small flints 
  • a grave of a dog
She was probably a part of a small group, 15 - 20 people, who lived in that wet area on river dunes during the summer season. She measured 1,58 m. and was probably 45 - 60 years old. 
The findings are of great importance for the whole Western Europe because she can only be related to findings in Copenhague (Denmark) and Southern Spain... 
Professor dr. L.P. Louwe Kooijmans was in charge of the project. 


Tv News

Writer / editor  

March 16th, 1999

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