<i>ladybugs place</i>
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It's been such a long time, and i'm trying so hard to make
this work. My mind is just not like it used to be.
But i will keep on trying, and I will make it work.

Ladybug dreams of the ~sea~

l I can't change the direction of the wind,

but I can adjust my sails,

to always reach my destination.

Sometimes i wonder if any of us really want
to reach our destination,or we get so lost that
it doesn't make any difference. And by the time
we realise we are lost we have forgotten what it was
we were really after.. Age does funny things
to your thinking..

A part of you has grown unto me,
together forever we shall be,
never apart, maybe in distance,
but not in my heart

Places to go People to see
I just found this from Joni,
Thank you


NEW A blast from the Past
A goodie from Bob
All thats Lovely
If you like ladybugs
The romantic me
A Rose
If you believe in Fairys
Siren of the Sea

New: My computer art
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Some of my paintings
Poems by Rupert
All my poems
Take a peek at the garden
My Home Town's Web camera
Visit the Earth from Space
New:not done..but its there!Music i like the best

Within you I lose myself,
Without you....
I find myself wanting to become lost again,
"not to worry..
tis like the sunrise
One blink of the eye,
and the dream is gone.
And only the memory remains,
forever there,
Waiting to be found again.."

A Memory
You came into my life for one brief day----
Gave me the laughter of your lips and eyes,
Touch of your hand in mine, then turned away;
Yet left these memories.
Ah, sailor, you brought strange sunlight to my
So carelessly you gave a thing so fair;
As though one passed through some closed, haunted
And dropped a feather there.
Theodosia Garrison

Something dear to my heart...Please help

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This page updated November 11 2012