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Welcome to Grön®


I'm Grön®, you might know me from the chat at Aftonbladet in Sweden.

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I'm a frequent guest there *LOL*
I'm going to make a hompage here for all my friends to visit, and see who I am.
Any sugestions about what I should put on my page?
Mail it to me, and maybe... maybe I'm going to put it here.
But the easyest way to contact me is to visit Aftonbladet chat, at midnight CET.

See ya!

Due to Internet laws, I had to remove the picture.
I dont look good enough to use the bandwidth
Cute huh?

Gröns chat




If you want to know more about me, I'll be happy to supply you with some facts!
Just ask me, and I'll post it here (if I want to share it)
