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Generation Q. We're a comedy troupe.


Generation Q: Your Mom's a Zombie!

Back in the early 80's there was a man. He wanted to eat some fruit so he went to the grocery store and bought an apple, then he ate it. It was good. And thus Generation Q was formed. Pretty neat , eh? Generation Q is an ill formed comedy troupe based in the northeast corner of the United States map. Ten people are in it, Jesse is our newest member. He smells like pinesol, and is the pimp of the troupe. We were actually formed in the middle of '95. Not when the guy bought the apple at the grocery store. If you believed that story than you're pretty dumb. I'm BJ! Look at me! I look like...BJ! I like porn! Kevin's a big fat liar! Generation Q was formed when nine people banded together to save the world from the evil fish creatures accompanied by the were-cows! They banded together armed with paint chips, bottle caps, and lumps of pewter. And we won against those sloppy bastards, too! BJ doesn't know what he's talking about! Generation Q was formed when the people of the east rising grouped together to rally against the high riders of the dreaded south! They knew that with the power or the yippick they were unstoppable unless the opposing side had scored five or more points of damage, oh wait, that was in last nights D&D game.... D&D is for babies! I play VAMPIRE! And besides, the yippick turned out to be a really big walnut anyway. Face it, everyone, Kevin is just rock stupid. Sorry. Vampire is a good game, I PLAY IT ALL THE TIME! It's just like real life, it is real life. (Maybe Jenny Jones will have me on her show.) Anyway Generation Q was really formed when me BJ started mixing Prozac and Ritalin. It taste like kool-aid. Mmmm...kool-aid. Ya know, that story actually was somewhat believable. I think I'll go with that. I love you Kevin. I've never been loved before, what a sickening feeling...I hate this, I hate BJ I hate everyone in Q except my goat Cosmo. He's fat... C'mon guys. Tell the truth. The history of Generation Q involves Ronald Reagan and his 70's style funk band: The Moff Tarkins NO! NO! NO! You're all wrong!!! Generation Q is really just an alias for the Quicky-Mart Fan Club, and I'm the president!!! There you go again. You kids with your fan clubs and your big pants and your eight track tapes... This has nothing to do with anything but I really enjoy eating cereal. "Corn Flakes" isn't copyrighted. Corn Flakes! Corn Flakes!! Rice Krisp- i mean Corn Flakes!

Members of Generation Q

Check out our useless online comedy resources:

iThe Q-files

This is where you can find some of the scripts of skits GENERATION Q has written, and when we weren't being lazy ass do-nothings, actually filmed. This is always being added to, so don't mail us telling us how much our page sucks. We will have more files later, so keep checking back. i mean check back as much as you can. All the time!! Make the GENERATION Q homepage the center point of your life. mmmm...paste.

hate Generation Q Chat Room

Here is where you can chat with other sick minded people who like Generation Q's comedy. You need to be able to support Java to use this, and the applet takes forever to load, so sit still and be patient! There is probably nobody in the chat room except for Pat, and he gets cranky waiting to talk to someone. Enjoy!

your Be a Member of Generation Q!

Now you too can be the envy of all your friends! Being a member of Generation Q means: Promotions at work! Better grades in school! Fame! Fortune! A new car! Just fill out the handy dandy form, and you're on your way to the good life. You may even become the President of the United States! (not really)

mom's Oh Boy Mommy! Sideshow Freaks!

That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen! For your viewing displeasure, we bring you the most hideous, deformed, mistakes of nature you've ever seen. Enter if you wish, but be warned; it's not pretty!

cat Our Big Bad GuestBook

Well if you're not going to send us any mail, you can at least sign our GuestBook. Lazy Slackers.

Sign Our Guestbook | View Our Guestbook

Guestbook by GuestWorld
Click on our names!!!!! We have pictures, and bio's and stuff. Oh boy didly oy! -Pat-
Try This You Weenie!