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Heterosexuality isn't normal, just common.

Rainbow flag - symbol of
 gay pride and celebrating diversity

...if I have to explain it,
you won't understand.

bentgrrrl's contribution to the pollution of cyberspace

Welcome to

For some reason, a lot of people out there seem to think I'm a bitch... I'm not really. I just happen to be a very vocal and outspoken individual who doesn't take any crap off anybody. If standing up for myself makes me a bitch, then maybe I am, but all I can say is what sort of person would I be if I didn't defend my values and beliefs?

just say NO to religion

ooooh, you're still here!
Guess that means you wanna know something more about me then? I'm an Aussie Operating Theatre Nurse from Sydney (The next Olympic city in 2000, and the proud host of the gay games, 2002 *woo-hoo*), who has followed my heart to Brisbane. This heart-following lead to our fantastic wedding day.

Queers the world over demand marriage rights now

I like this kind of noise, watch these movies, or read these books when I'm not online. When I am online you can usually find me chatting in, ICQ (my # is 67618253), or right here at bentgrrrl.

labrys - lesbian symbol of pride. Click for more info
I believe in empowerment for lesbians, the importance of coming out to those you care for, sharing our coming out stories, questioning stereotypes and have married my gorgeous soulmate even though it's not *yet* legal.

As an out dyke I get a whole bunch of FAQ's, some about when I 'decided' I was a lesbian, some asking what lesbians are about, or what seperatists are. I even get crap from religious homophobes, not that I even care what they say , and lots of questions about sex. There are some great things, and bad things about being a lesbian, and even if the the perfect lesbian doesn't exist, it's cool know if a girl is or isn't one.

Search the queer internet

I like most things queer, especially our lingo for fabulous Mardi Gras, how we're fighting for our personal rights, and against HIV and AIDS, and the quoteable wit and wisdom of queers through time. I think our history should be shared, along with our Camp Songs, and our Gay Cartoons.

I know what homophobia is, and believe it's important for you to know I'm gay and think we're a long off from being post-gay, as proved by the numerous myths there are about us.

I imagine how the world would be if Jesus was gay, or what if the world treated gays and lesbians fairly? I think hetero's should be asked more questions, that they should take a few hints and understand what heterosexual privelege is.

Being able to laugh at society and ask the big questions is also important to me, along with the right to die, mostly useless trivia, and oxymorons.

My computer is female, I sometimes get lost for words, love Dilbert , think it's important to know the enemy, and think that Mikey Robins is hilarious.

I think it's essential to know what the world is really like, am interested in finding out just who killed Ronald Opus, and secretly want more medical terminology around.

This Page Supports Equal Rights

As a womyn I think chicks have a lot to say, should be told more about taking the pill, and that men should just shut up about abortion. Oh, and I also think hospital is a scary place.

I am a proud feminist who believes young women still need to work hard in the movement for our future. Images of beauty and ignorant stereotypes are hurting all women and used as part of the backlash against feminism.

The status of women in society is further reflected in their high incidence of sedative abuse. I believe no woman should be a HTML Virgin, and we should all be claiming space online.

People should know what women want, how everyone can be a fabulous feminist, and how to reclaim the night.

At the moment I'm obsessed with links that are great content-wise, rather than just a huge list on any topic. Web rings also excite me, enough to give them a page of their own. I am also the proud winner of some awards.

It's all too confusing?
Check out the site map for the whole catastrophe!

I'd tell you some more about my life, but that pre-supposes, of course, that I actually have one.

Which I don't.

this page made with dyke pride
this page last updated 26/9/2000   content and design © bentgrrrl