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Links to United World College of S.E.A

United World College of S.E.A Homepage
The Senior Staff (LOL)
The Fitness Room
A Overall View of the many Students there... *I don't think u can find me in this pic* (hehe)

This Page is specially dedicated to my beloved school.. *United World College* This is also considered as my little contribution to the school.

My Teachers:

There are so many teachers that I have to thank for all their help and patient..but mostly there is his one special teacher who is also my dad/friend.. His name is Mr Tett He was my boarding house assistant parent. He is a real nice, sweet and caring teacher/dad/friend. The reason why I called him my dad is cuz when I was in the boarding house all the student were split into groups and each teacher in a group represents either your mom or dad.. and luckily I was put into Mr Tett's group. He was VERY VERY nice to me.. We had some rough times but he was VERY what I do...But he has one BIG problem, he loves to pick on me.. especially on my "ENGLISH" I am not a native english speaker and I have an strong accent.. and even since.. i met him.. he had always seize every ooportunity that he have to pick on my english and sometimes it is quite embarassing.. *hehe* Oh well, if he ever come across this page, he would have a lot to say about my english again!!*hehe* I would like to take this chance to tell him that, Mr Tett I love u with all my heart, u have been such a great teacher/friend/dad...I really want to thank u for all these. i know that sometimes I am quite unreasonable and stubborn, god I am still a kid!! *giggles* I miss u so's been about a year since I left UWC, and now I don't get to see u very much cuz I am all the way in AUSTRALIA!! But I am telling u now, u mean a lot to me and I really hope to keep in touch with ya no matter what!! Take care and I love u daddy!! *hehe*

The other teachers that I would love to mention here is as follows:

Mr Lewis (Thanks for taking care of me all these years, i really appreaciate it)

Mr Lang ( EVen though u are no longer in UWC.. and I don't know where the hell u are but u have been such a great teacher..You're someone that I will always remember and please take care of yourself and if u ever come across this page, please get in touch with me)

Matron *Middle School House* (You are the BEST matron outta all the houses.. u took care of us and help us whenever u can and I would like to say Thank You for everything u've done)

Mr Towers (You're the weirdest, funniest and the most annoying teacher I've ever met in my life *hehe* I know i didn't do good at all in the class...but hey I am improving..see, I can now create my own page and stuff so I am really not that bad!! *L* Thank You for being so patient with me this dumb student of yours)

My Friends in Girls house and Middle School house:

Through all these years in the boarding houses, I am so glad I am outta of the place!!! *hehe* But on a serious note, being in the boarding house is the best thing that have ever happened to me.. it really changed my life and from this wonderful place I once called "hell" have allowed me to meet so many good people. so now, I am gonna list out the people that have been good to me and also whom have made my life is wonderful. This is not in any special orders...whoever comes into my head first.. *hehe*

Munira Musadek, Michelle Lai, Peter Koh, Yohan Daswani, Karan, Sophia Song, Elizabeth Wong, Laura Young, Kerry Wilson, Divya, Chen Yiy Hwuan (Mark), Mada, Chris Walker, jordan, Tyler, Joanne, Michelle Bastier Maggie Caroline Ronald Jocelyn Lydia Lee Marlena Linda

I wanna say THANK U to all of my friends & teachers for standing by me throughout my years in UWC. I have the BEST memories in UWC and made some real great friends, I really hope that we can all still keep in touch and maybe meet up again sometimes.. Lastly, I wanna say SORRY to people that I may have missed out here all of u know that I have a SHIT memory...

Anywayz, thanks for reading this page and if u are my friend and u are not here please do email me

