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Kids Helping Kids

What is Kids Helping Kids??

Kids Helping Kids (KHK) is a self help organization that I created back in 1994. The scope of KHK is to provide an outlet for survivors of child abuse and molestation to talk to other survivors and help each other through the often times painful process of recovery. Being a survivor myself, I realize that on this long road of healing that one can feel alone, different, an that hurts. KHK ,when it first came out, was there for survivors it was a newsletter that went out to many therapists, courtouses and survivors across the country. It was set up as an anonymous pen pal system. Children would mail me and i would put two children in contact with each other through me, so as to keep their aresses anonymous. In addition to providing children with the service of someone to write to in the same or similar situation as themselves, KHK sent out a newsletter to many kids and professionals who deal most with survivors. The nesletters contained information on programs for abused kids, resources for professionals and other pertinent information. Through this web page I am intending to provide the same services but to a much wier scope, and at a fraction of the cost that the printing an mailing of the newsletter was.

Please see our other pages

Our Mission Statement; How can I help??; Other related Services; The first "cyber-newsletter"
