I am finally back on the internet........This page is finally updated!!!!!!

This is a new picture of me. I am going to put more pics on soon. This one doesn't do me justice. I was watching a baseball game and we were not winning.



Hello and welcome to my web page. I am JoePro. I will be 27 years old in AUG 2000 with 2 sons (2 and 4). I live alone in a 5 bedroom home in a growing town outside of St. Louis MO. A few of my hobbies are repairing cars and computers ( and get paid for it ). I went to college and majored in computer sciences and I'm a cook, go figure. I hope you enjoy your look around.

B^) --------I would like to thank the people who signed my guestbook. I really like to hear your opinions and encourage all newcomers to please sign it-------- B^)

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

This link is to go to my brother's web site.
JohnMoto World

I made each of my kids a page feel free to check them out too

Or go to the Kids Room

Jokes & Funny Stories

These jokes are not meant for kids

B^) --------Please e-mail all jokes or funny stories to my address below and I may post them in this all new section.......thanks-------- B^)

ALEX my youngest son
A little slice of net for my youngest

Go to some of our Favorite places

The best search engine on the web!
The best internet sever there is!
You can find me here under the name JoePro69_8it
Play the hilarious You Don't Know Jack and a few other really great online games

You are the


Email: JoePro27@juno.com

Last Updated Tue July 25th 2000

Thanks For Coming