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Welcome to a small part of the Great Universe!

Greetings fellow Children of The Universe! If you have been here before, you have probably already noticed some great changes on this page. And once again, I was mistaken. I do NOT belong to the dark side anymore. So to all of my former vampire-wannabe-friends: TOO BAD guys. I'm not one of you. But that doesn't mean that I don't like the chronicles anymore...

Please E-mail me if you have any ideas for improvements. Please don't write the complains in my guestbook. E-mail them to me instead!

My Anne Rice tribute page
My pets
My friends

I've just finished a danish school-project. The subjekt is the Ku Klux Klan

Click here to see the project.

Please have the deacency to

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GriffWorld's NEW Message Board

My Message Board, which used to be a Message Board of darkness has been deleted. Now you can just write anything you like.

Visit my Message Board
