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The Dumb thing Guys Do and Say Page

Ok people we all know how dumb and igorant guy can be at time. Either they will do or say the dumbest things. I know ALL about this..I hang out with a bunch of guys and I have two brothers and a father. You might think your fathers would have grown out of it by now but sorry to tell you THEY DON'T. So I've decied to make a page where I can tell you want dumb things guys have done..and feel free to e-mail me some of yours, I'd love to put them on here. Now on with the stubid things.

1) The other week I was working and called home and my dad answered the phone..I asked if my mom was at home and he said yea so I asked him to put her on the phone (nothin too dumb yet..but here it comes) He then asks if I wanted to talk to her.. (whats up with that..what I should have said was nope I just want you to but her on the phone so I can hear her breath.) I wonder some times what goes threw his head to make him ask such a dumb question

2) Also that same day my brother was having ceral and he left his bowl with stuff still in it in the sink (mind you he didn't think to pour it out and by god it would have been to hard wash his own dish) My dad cames home ask me whos bowl it was. I said it was nicks (whos my brother) He then asks "Are you sure thats not yours...(well let me see I just happened to have forgotten that I even had the ceral in the first place and when he asked me again it all came back to it wasn't mine!!!)

3) All girls who lives with guys knows this one. In the middle of the night the guys go to the bathroom, mind you they DON"T turn on a light (thats toooo hard) and try to aim when they pee. I have no idea if they think that maybe this will become a sport in the future or not, but mind you they have decied to practice now. And 9 out of 10 times their aim is alittle off. Mind you they don't think to clean in up either. Then they leave the seat up (that is if your lucky enough to have them lift the seat up) and when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, man are you in for a surprise.

4) Have you also ever noticed that guys will make up ANY excuse not to ammitt there wrong....(he knows who I'm talkin about) They will blaim it on anything and everything else other then themselfs (everything from its the web servers fault to the fairys did it.)

5) Oh yea no matter what guys never grow up ..they just get BIGGER toys.... maybe your dad played with toy boats when he was little, and now maybe they have real boats to play with, same with your brothers. I have 2 ones 18 the others 22 and both play with there Nintendo 64. They spend hours on this thing. They won't even notice you. Its like there in a trance. It funny to watch. .

6) Then there is a guy that hangs in are crew...who I hate with EVERY bone in me..he is pig headed..a jerk and oh man is it hard to keep my temper when I'm around him. He says the dumbest things...hes sooo ignorant.. for example he had the nerve to tell me that and I qoute " Womens only place is on there backs or in the kitchen.." then to add to it he said " the only thing women are good for in the army is to stop builts from hitting men"

7 ) My newest complain is that why is it that your friends on-line doesn't write you back some times, but when they do write you they want a responds back the next day?? And why is it that some people (I won't mention names) end up haveing more then one screen name, it makes it seem like there hiding or something.

8) Also why is it once your friend gets a boyfriend or girlfriend they ignore you?? I know acouple people like that (including my bestfriend (when she has a boyfriend) and my brother.) Its like there always talkin on the phone to them, whats up with that??How much can you talk about?? That REALLY pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!

9) My brother (whos 18) just got his 1st Girlfriend. At first he talked to her ALL the time (for about a week) Now hes tired of her calling sooo much and, he once my mom and I to lie for him when shes calls. The poor thing was in tears the other night because hes was ignoring her all week. Also shes kinda needy she does call alot but if my brother talked to her about it I think she would stop, but talking is soooo much harder for a guy. Why is it guys hurt girls feelings and think nothin of it ??? OK

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