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What is the way to Peace?

What Are The Possible Consequences of Nuclear War ?

Nuclear war is the foremost major threat to Human life today. After The invention of the atom bomb in 1945, the fear of a nuclear war has become one of the most escalating drives in military defence. There are mainly two catagories in which we can describe how to prevent Nuclear Holocaust. These Catagories are:

1:Pacifism (disarmament, Appeasement, Being Nice) :)
2: Deterrance (brinkmanship, aggression, Being mean) :(
Under the title Prevention you will find other pages which go into more detail about these prevention methods
The final solution that would be a sure fire way to bring peace would be through nuclear war. The total extermination of all life on this planet would bring peaceful rest, but no one would be here to enjoy it. A high price for peace, but as long there are people alive, there will be conflict.
LinkExchange Member


