Back and Forth


"They were twins," V repeated more slowly, digesting the information as Jax shook his head ruefully before weighing the news carefully.

"So who was born first?" Jax asked.

The professor shook his head, "it doesn't make any mention of who is the oldest brother and my students couldn't find anything else to indicate Mikkos wasn't. The oldest brother, first born, was lavished upon, by all accounts, Mikkos was the oldest."

"So, what's the deal with Petros then, why is he considered the outsider?" V queried.

"My students picked up on something of interest further down, a marriage I believe."

Jax leaned forward, catching on, "Mikkos's wedding? That would be Helena Cassadine territory." Winking at V, Jax pulled his chair closer, "this should be interesting."

'February 3rd

I have asked around about the mysterious Petros only to be met with similar confusion. Alexei's father knows him the best, and even that is very little. According to him, Petros is a bit of a wanderer, having left the family very young, perhaps at sixteen and has returned only once before now, when Mikkos became deathly ill two winters ago. He is an avid writer and has read virtually every book on this island. Word has it is that he is also a painter. My curiosity having grown from that point has left me hunting his every movement, when I can. He leaves every morning just before dawn and returns just after dusk every evening. He does not dine with the family but instead visits his Mother, spending hours there before retiring to his room. It was also announced at breakfast that the woman Mikkos was betrothed to marry will be arriving shortly. She is apparently a cousin of the Russian ruler Joseph Stalin, but was raised in Hong Kong and is considered high royalty. The servants as well as the family waits in anticipation, we hope things will go well with the newest member of the family.'


Ivan placed his hand out to take her pale and slender hand, gripping it firmly. She stepped out of the car, into the sunlight, her face revealing nothing, but turned to get a better look at her new home. Behind her was a small grassy hill cascading down and then abruptly ten feet of sharp rocks before reaching the edge of the cliff and at least thirty stories below that was the roaring Aegean sea. Two thirds of the island was contained by this feature, the final third being the sandy beaches, dunes and mountain like grenery that was seldomly frequented. The entire mansion itself was surrounded at first by a lush green lawn and then forestry, save for the large opening at the north end for general movement. The rose garden was located on the south side of the home, it's horseshoe shape hidden behind a wall of English Ivy, climbing up the cemented arbors to create an almost unmoveable wall. The garden had been frequented rarely, since Ekaterina's illness, only the gardener tended to it specifically, knowing full well that above him stood the small window of Ekaterina's private room and that it would ease her suffering to see it's growing beauty. Helena sniffed with mild boredom at the sight of the home and surroundings, but naturally said nothing in reptrospect and the two made their way up the winding path to the majestic oak doors of the castle like home.

She and Ivan entered the home, servants nodding to her as they passed them. Meeting up with three women, Ivan prodded Helena towards them.

"Get her cleaned up and dressed for this evening, don't let anyone see her," he ordered gruffly before nodding slightly to Helena and heading into his study.

The older of the three servants clapped her hands lightly, ushering the two younger ones off to the private room. Turning to Helena, she gave her a warm smile, "Miss Helena, if you please," she indicated towards the door.

Helena gave the servant a thin smile and obligingly, entered the room slowly, ready to be made up for the evening's Bachanalia..



The Brownstone

Bobbie awoke with a start, and in so, nearly flew onto the floor before managing to grab the armrest with her right hand. Suddenly curious as to why she had slept in the chair instead of her bed, Bobbie stood, her arm reaching to the back of her neck, to rub the stiffness after gently tilting her head from side to side. Seeing Stefan asleep in her bed nearly made her gasp until the details from the previous evening came thundering back to her. Sitting back down, Bobbie shook her head.

"Oh, lordy, what are you getting yourself into Barbara Jean," she said alloud, the volume causing Stefan to stir momentarily. Bobbie stiffened at his movement, only relaxing when it seemed to pass. She rose quietly from her chair and crept out of the room to across the hall, rushing for the phone, she phoned the hospital. Just as quickly as she had dialed, she hung up the phone. What the hell are you doing, you heard him! she berated herself before turning in her seat on the side of the bed to look across the hall. She had to get him SOME kind of medical attention. Bobbie chewed on her lower lip for a moment before her eyes lit up and like lightening, had dialed a new number.


Bobbie sighed, grateful he was home, "Jason? It's Bobbie, listen can you come over, it's kind of urgent," she stressed, praying he would pick up on her strain.

Jason frowned, something was different about her voice, a new kind of panic but knowing full well about the third listening party, he couldn't push it further, "sure, I'll bring Michael over for a visit."

Bobbie closed her eyes with relief, "good, I miss my grandson. Say, fifteen minutes?"

"I'm there, see you in a bit."



"Well, I'm sure her winning personality shined through," V said dryly as the three heads rose from the reading.

"Yes, royalty is always an interesting breed," the professor agreed as he rose, grabbing his briefcase, "I unfortunately have a class in ten minutes, but you are both welcome to stay, the translation sheets are in the second drawer as well as some already translated passages."

"Thank you!" both chorused as the professor left his office, leaving Jax and V alone to sort through the past findings.

"I wonder what those Bachanalias were like back then," V pondered.

Jax chuckled, "I certainly hope it isn't ritual for someone to take a dive off the tower to their death."

In mock annoyance, V smacked Jax's arm, "you are cruel! I'm not even smiling," she said, her lips twitching slightly, using a great deal of strength to resist a chechire like grin.

Taking quiet note of V's fidgeting, Jax flipped ahead a few pages, after retrieving new passages from the professor's desk.

"Well, here's the stuff from the ball," he said.


Irenie peered over the railing to the grand ballroom down below as servants and assorted workers were rushing about, touching up on the last minute arrangements. Finally Ivan entered the room, looking proper in his dark suit, although the hints of his personality rang through with his ever present frown and unruly hair. He surveyed the room, somewhat satisfied with the end result. The chinese carpets had been carefully rolled up and put away, revealing the beautiful handcrafted marble flooring. The floors had been swept and scrubbed from corner to corner, leaving a breathtaking finish. In one corner of the room stood the black grand piano, two others revealing doorways, one to the preparation room the other to the guest entrace. Their were various portraits of long deceased family members hanging around the room and the chandelier now hung a clear six feet lower, a pride point for Ivan, but overall the room had been sparcely decorated, the elusive Ekaterina had wanted it to be simple, but elegant. The grand staircase from which Helena and other family members would descend had also been decorated in lavish flower arrangements, ribbonery and lace finishing, almost as though the occasion was a wedding.

'A proper and lavish evening indeed,' Irenie scrawled in her notebook.

"What are you doing?"

Irenie jumped, twisting in her position in mixed fear and dread. Her dread turned to relief at seeing the person behind her.

"Alexei! Be quiet, do you want them to hear you?" Irenie admonished in a loud whisper as Alexei gave a pleased grin at her scare before scurrying up beside her.

"The guests are arriving, you should see it! These beautiful cars coming up the lane in a row, as far as my eyes will see! Handsome men, women in gowns I never knew could exist!

"I'm glad everyone got the evening off and don't worry about people finding us, if we're quiet and leave before the evening is through, no one will ever know we were here," he assured her.

Irenie gave him a doubtful look, "well, as long as you are quiet, we should be safe, they won't be looking up in our direction."

"Besides, we're in the dark, even if they look right at us, we're too high up and it's too dark for them to see."

"Oh, look, here come some of the guests!" Irenie interrupted as she clutched Alexei's arm with excitement.


"Wow, I wish I could have been there with her!" V said, "despite the family, it would have been so neat!"

Jax nodded absently, having read ahead a few pages, "oh, I don't know about that."

"Why?" asked V.

"Well, three weeks after the Bachanalia, Ekaterina died," Jax said with a sad smile, "the Bachanalia would be the first and last time for most servants, including Irenie to see the Cassadine Mother."


The Brownstone

Bobbie opened the front door on the first ring, quickly ushering Jason and Michael up the stairs after shutting the door. Wordlessly, Jason complied but gripped Michael a bit tighter as Bobbie lead them down the hall, slowly opening the guest room door. Jason entered, his eyes sweeping the room before settling them on the sleeping figure. His mouth opened slightly at seeing a man who was orginally dead but he remained composed.

"I thought he was dead," he said blandly, handing Michael to Bobbie before taking a few steps to get a better look.

"So did I, he called me last night and I brought him here," Bobbie said nervously as she shifted Michael from one hip to the other. "Somebody tried to kill him Jason."

Jason tilted his head thoughtfully, "has he said who?"

Bobbie shook her head, "he doesn't remember much really, it's a lot of confusion, he does need medical attention though."

Jason nodded, "he didn't want anyone to know he was alive. He knows a lot more than he's probably willing to say but you're right about the medical attention. What's your assesment?"

"Well, he's got a few cracked ribs, a lot of cuts and bruises, that gash above his right eye but what really concerns me is the concusion he suffered. He was out at least three days, he needs a CAT scan and soon. I have to know about swelling or any kind of damage."

Jason rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I can get you my doctor in here for the other stuff but the CAT scan is going to be harder so let me make a few phone calls and I'll get back to you in a couple of hours."

Bobbie nodded, "thank you Jason, you have no idea how much this means to me."

Jason gave her a smile before reaching for Michael, "don't worry about it, " he said as the three left the room, "I'll leave some guards outside just in case."

Jason turned as he stood on the front step, "now the doctor's name is Jacobs, he's about 45, six feet and has short wavy hair. Johnny will let him in and he'll be here in about 30 minutes okay?"

"Okay, thanks again Jason," Bobbie said gratefully, "bye Mr. Man, here's an extra kiss from Mommy okay?" she cooed sweetly to Michael who in turn gave her a toothy grin before clapping his hands together with a giggle.



"She died? How?" V gasped, hearing it as though Ekaterina was someone she had known.

Jax shook his head, "it doesn't say really, I mean she was very ill V, she unfortunately lost her battle with her illness. We should read the whole thing, maybe we can give some insight into it, some fifty years later."

V nodded, "there's probably more to it than we know."
