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Yeah, we're lame. We have decided to take a break (interpret that however you like). People's schedules are only going to be getting more full, and at this point in time, we decided that the band is not worth any stress or ill will that might follow. A big sincere thank you goes out to Andy. Thats all for now folks.

We didn't end up playing the show in VA Beach on the 27th because a certain someone got a call from work last minute, but we did play the other 2 shows. We had alot of fun, especially in Allentown. Thanks to Paul and Seth for setting up the shows, and the really nice guys who owned the Pirates Cove. Now that these shows are in the past, we need more. Hook it up:

The College Park show fell through, but two more shows were added. June 25th we will be in Virginia Beach, June 26th we will be in Allentown, PA, and June 27th back down to Virginia Beach. Check the shows section for more info. Also, a few random pictures have been added.

I messed with the page and made a few small changes. There is now a messageboard and a lyrics section. So far the only lyrics posted are from songs off the demo since those are the only ones that I have written down. It looks like the next time we have a show around here is June 25th in College Park. More info as it becomes available...

Well, it is apparent that we have the worst luck with shows. The show in Rochester this weekend got cancelled because Andy Pavlo got food poisoning and had to go to the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Just got 2 shows at the last minute possible. Today and tomorrow(friday and saturday) we are playing benefit shows at the Kaffa house supporting a fund to provide legal service to protesters arrested at the world bank , IMF protest this weekend. The shows starts around 7:30 I think, maybe earlier for the saturday one. Directions are here . Hope to see you there.

We all had fun at the show on Friday. Driving out there, past farms and open fields, was pretty discouraging, but showing up and seeing tons of kids was awesome. Thanks to all the kids that went crazy and beat each other up.

Well.........We have a show next Friday, the 5th of April at the Arcadia, so come out. From what I hear, a decent amount of kids show up. Go here for directions. It should be fun. The show on April 20th up in Rochester is now actually on May 18th with Bad Business and others. Speaking of shows, we need some so email us if you're setting something up. A lyrics section might go up if I can remember to ask Richard for lyrics. Thats about it as far as things are right now.

Not too much going on around here. After having the last 3 shows get cancelled(due to the venues getting shutdown), we finally have a show confirmed on April 5th at the Arcadia. Also, things are in the works for a possible split EP in the near future. More details on this as they become available...