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Logo Advertisement Program

Get your band or music related business logo posted
on the front page of the SMMO website for the whole
Southern Maryland area to see. Stand out from the
crowd and be seen first.

Contact SMMO for details now!

Just $10.00 Per Month!

If your band or music related business is based in the
Southern Maryland areas of Charles, St.Marys, or
Calvert Counties and you are interested in purchasing
logo advertisement space on the
Southern Maryland Music Online website...

Please contact Southern Maryland Music Online
for payment instructions
via email at:
*use subject line: SMMO AD Program

Please read special notes below regarding ad space:

Advertiser Requirements:

1) Must supply a logo image (ie: .jpg,.gif,.bmp)
2) Must Supply a website URL to link from image
(NOTE: if advertiser does have a website, SMMO can
supply a contact information page for advertiser at
an additional set-up fee of $5.00)

Services Provided By SMMO Ad Program:

1) Ad includes Logo and link to advertisers website
2) Ad will be placed on "front page" of SMMO website
3) Ad will be positioned on page, best fitting logo size
3) Ad will remain posted on front page for a 30 days
4) Advanced Monthly Payments are accepted

Advertisement Policy:

Southern Maryland Music Online has the right to
decline any advertisment that it deems not suitable
for all visitors of the SMMO website.
(ie: including, but, not limited to, obscene or profane
images and/or words.)

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