Molasses Candy

Take two quarts of West India molasses, one pound of brown sugar, and the juice of two large lemons, or a teaspoonful of strong essence of lemon ; mix, and boil the molasses and sugar three hours, over a moderate fire, (when done it will cease boiling, and be crisp when cold.) While boiling, stir it frequently, and see it does not burn. After boiling two hours and a half, stir in the lemon juice. It will be improved by grating in the yellow part of the rind so fine as not to be visible when boiled. If the lemon is put in too soon, all the taste will be boiled out. When it is quite done, butter a square tin pan, and turn the mixture in to cool. If you prefer the candy with ground nuts, roast a quart of them, shell and blanch them, and stir them in gradually, a few minutes before you take it from the fire. Almonds may be blanched, cut in pieces, and stirred in raw, when the sugar and molasses have just done boiling. If you wish to make it yellow, take some out of the tin pan while it is yet warm, and pull it out into a thick string, between the thumb and fore-finger of both hands. Extend your arms widely as you pull the candy backwards and forwards. By repeating this a long time, it will gradually become of a light yellow color, and of a spongy consistency. When it is quite yellow, roll it into sticks, twist two sticks together, and cut them off smoothly at both ends. Or you may variegate it by twisting together a stick that is quite yellow and one that remains brown.
The Improved Housewife. Mrs. Webster 1847

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