Christmas Egg Nog Party, 1870

Christmas in the South - Egg Nog Party in Harper's Weekly, Dec. 31, 1870. [from LC Prints online]


Domestic Cookery. Eliza Leslie.. 1840 Egg Nogg
Jennie June's American Cookery Book by Jane Croly. 1870 Christmas Egg Nog
Presbyterian Cook Book 1873 Egg Nogg (3)
White House Cook Book By Gillette, F.L. 1887 Egg Nogg
Favorite Dishes By Shuman, Carrie V. 1893 Egg Nogg
Dishes and Beverages of the Old South By Williams, Martha McCulloch. 1913 White Egg Nogg, Egg Nogg
The Neighborhood Cook Book 1914 Egg Nog (2)
The International Jewish Cookbook By Greenbaum, Florence Kreisler. 1919 Cider Egg Nog

In Literature

Travels Through the States of North America... By Isaac Weld 1799
Pierce Egan. Life of London: or Days and Nights of Jerry Hawthorne and His Elegant Friend Corinthina Tom. 1820 Tom and Jerry (the drink)
Recollections of a Southern Matron By Caroline Howard Gilman. 1838 ...egg-nogg circulated freely, and at least a dozen large clothes-baskets of gingerbread...
Rambles about the Country by Elizabeth Fries Ellet 1840. Christmas Eve is usually celebrated by a large bowl of
The Epicure's almanac; or, Diary of good living, by B. E. Hill. 1842
Life in the West: Back-wood Leaves and Prairie Flowers... By Morleigh. 1843
The Cook and Housewife's Manual. by Christian Johnstone. 1847 Auld Man's Milk...nearly the egg-nogg of America.
Southern Literary Messenger 1849. Christmas Tree, the bowl of egg-nogg and the kindly superstition of old Santa ...
The American Poultry Yard: Comprising the Origin, History, and Description ... By Daniel Jay Browne 1850 ...preserved eggs ...Christmas ... ladies of their egg nog