
This recipe for Sherdoon, from William Verral's 'A Complete System of Cookery' [London, 1759] is listed after one for "Cardoon, with piquant sauce" and before "Fry'd artichokes marinaded". All three are in the thistle family.

Sherdoons, a la Benjamele
This is a plant of our own, and grows common upon dry banks and barren ground, but worth nothing for this use till improved by the gardener, which is done by transplanting, and earthing up to whiten, and when peeled, and brought to market, looks more like fine endive than a common thistle. The English always plain boil it, and have butter only for sauce; but foreigners with the sauce above, or a brown sauce of cullis or gravy; boil it in a little broth, pepper and salt, but not tender; pour that from it, and put your white sauce, let stew a few minutes, squeeze in an orange or lemon, and dish it up. Whole heads of celery and endives are often done in the same way for these entremets; and most foreigners eat heartily of them.


©2006 Patricia Bixler Reber
