War Gardens (WWI) Victory Gardens (WWII) Allotment Gardens

Strawbery Bank Victory Garden

Original or recreated working gardens

Boston. Fenway Victory Garden. started 1942
Chicago. Rainbow Beach Community Gardens. started 1942
Minneapolis. Dowling Community Garden. started 1943
NH Strawbery Bank Victory Garden
NY Cornell Plantations. Ithaca
DC Smithsonian Victory Garden

Selected reading materials

The War Garden Victorious. Charles Lathrop Pack, by the National War Garden Commission. 1919
Gardening for the Common Good. Victory Gardens. School Gardens. Smithsonian
The Garden Magazine 1917
Victory Gardens Handbook of the Victory Garden Committee War Services, Pa State Council of Defense. 1944
Ministry of Agriculture Allotment and Garden Guides - 1945
Victory Gardens. 1942. Canada. pt. 1
Victory Gardens. 1942. Canada. pt. 2
Victory Garden seed collection
Victory garden poster
Every Garden a munitions plant: war gardens in Ohio

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