Visiting any museum while a cooking demonstration is taking place adds enormously to the experience. Since I always enjoy watching other hearth cooks at work, this list was started for areas I visit, the states near Maryland and now many others. The demonstrations may be once a year, or weekly, so check with the museums for more details. In a few cases, museums which do have demonstrations do not have a web page. The picture is the kitchen with bake oven in Rose Hill Manor, Frederick, Maryland. Gov. Thomas Johnson lived his last years there until he died in 1819. The front part of the table is for visitors to touch items, grate, etc...while I am preparing the foods on the back half.
Alabama. Alaska. Arizona. Arkansas
California. Colorado. Connecticut
Delaware. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii
Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa
Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana
Maine. Massachusetts. Michigan
Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana
Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey
New Mexico. New York. North Carolina
North Dakota. Ohio. Oklahoma. Oregon
Rhode Island South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas. Utah
Vermont. Virginia
Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming
United Kingdom