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Welcome to my re-designed corner of the internet.  A bit more of a streamlined look this time around.

Summer 2002
A somewhat detailed account of what I did all summer. Pics included. (Well, this is still a work in progress, so some pics are up. Check back later for the rest. I promise I'll get them posted someday. Maybe.)

Deep Thoughts
So I finally devoted an actual section to these. Priceless conversations that are definitely saveworthy. You know what I'm talkin about.

Kim & Katie, on Katie's end-of-summer job
Jessie & Katie, on who knows what
Oh Shit! All I can say is, Jessie now carries a purse and I painted my nails...
Gilbert's Highlights - 2/9/03

Hotties at Dorney Park, Spring 2002
100 Nights - February 8, 2003

Quotes File
Some really funny stuff here... Sources range from people I know to
some stuff from TV & movies.  Enjoy.

Bushkill Stream Monitoring
Some pics from the volunteering program at Lafayette I participate in.
Links to more info about the program are found within.

Some of my personal favorites.

CE221 Page
A page I created & maintained junior year for my
Environmental Engineering class

Sappy, yes, but nice... I don't usually go for stuff like this,
but this was too cute.

Good Old Fashioned Stupidity
Just some random pics.

Some Quick Laughs (courtesy of The Onion):
Infographic: Chatroom Shorthand
The Onion Presents: Dental Hygiene Tips
The Onion Presents: A Valentine's Day Kids Page
New Study Finds College Binge Drinking To Be A Blast
Aspirin Taken Daily With Fifth Of Bourbon Greatly Reduces Awareness Of Heart Attacks

This page is owned & maintained by Katrina L. Gibbons, '03.
Questions? Comments? Contact the webmaster.