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Interpreting Text

A side benefit that I developed through coping skills is the ability to understand text in difficult reading situations. For example: when an elaborate script is used for a formal invitation, some individuals have a more difficult time reading it. I can make out every word with little problems. I have one friend who has extremely sloppy handwriting. Because his handwriting is so bad he frequently has difficulties reading it himself, and few people will even try. I can read it without hesitation. He will actually bring his writings to me so I can tell him what he wrote. I believe I can do this because I have develop a skill to interpret and read words when I only understand a small part of the word. I will correctly perceive a few letters, and then use the shape, size and usage of the word to provide clues on what that word is. I can do this so fast that you can not tell I did not correctly perceive every letter.

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Everything on this web site is the personal opinion of M. F. Glass Any of it might be incorrect or out-of-date.

Copyright 2002 Marilyn F. Glass