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Full Name: Mitchell Edward Wood(ie)
Birth Place: Little Falls, New York
Birth Date: March 14, 1987
Influences: oh shit…Deftones, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Staind, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Rage Against the Machine, Black Sabbath, 311 HeD P.E., Taproot, Reveille, Jimmies Chicken Shack, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Cold, Jepetto, Seems Like Infinity, Darwin’s Waiting Room, Shuvel…I prolly forgot some.
Hobbies: Basketball, Guitar, Writing, Drawing, PS2, Chillin with ma homies in M-Town (Mayo Mafia), DJ’ing, surfin da web, talking online, last but not least…well I think you know.

Favorite Song: Deftones- Back To School….you gotta love that shit
Dream Car: ANY Lamborghini ever made
Favorite Movie: Half Baked
Favorite Quote: “Life’s a bitch and then we die, that’s why we get high, because you never know when your gonna go” -Sev
Favorite Backstreet Boy: All of them
Celebrity you would most like to kill: Carrot Top, I hate that transvestite
Dream Home Location: California on the beach with my band and hot bitches

Gumby or Poky? Poky, he’s a pimp
Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers? Ninja Turtles, gotta stick with my roots
Michael Jackson or Prince? Uhhh…Prince cuz he changed his name to like a symbol
The Doors or The Beatles? The Doors all the way, Beatles are too poppy
Have sex with a guy or your mom? Both at the same time
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi, because of Pepsi Blue and Coke hurts in your mouth
Emo or Punk? Neither, they suck equally as bad
Who’s the hottest LC6 member? I’m gonna have to go with Markie…I love his hair-dew

If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do? Blow up South River, do every drug possible, steal shit, tell everyone that I hate that I hate them, prank call people
If you could eat at least one last meal, what would it be? Chicken Fingers and Fries, with a Pepsi Blue and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
If you could pick any other instrument besides your own, what would it be? Probably drums, I really wanted to play those before anything else

Closing Comments-
I love my bros in Last Call Six, and if anyone wants to beef with us, prepare to die biaatch. Shout outs to all my Mayo Mafians, and if you were offended by any of this…GOOD