Welcome to Open Journey

" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. "

Albert Einstein


Have you awakened to the journey of life? Do you let your heart and mind run deep? Have you emerged from the noise of our culture only to hear music coming from dimensions beyond? Do you enjoy grappling honestly with major life questions? Do you long for something more? Are you traveling the seeker's path looking for purpose, beauty, freedom and truth?

We are a small group of fellow travelers living in the Washington DC area. We invite you to join us. Below are some of the topics we like to discuss in open casual forums like coffee shops, book stores, and our homes. All types of views including religious and political perspectives are welcome. We only ask that you come with an open mind and respect for other's views. Beverages and light snack foods will be provided.

Come join other seekers on the long journey home. Let us explore life together. Perhaps we will find the risk worth taking and discover a life rich with significance. We would love to hear your story and look forward to meeting you. Peace.

Talk locations and times

Just a few of our favorite topics:
(tell us what YOU would like to discuss)

Do the latest scientific discoveries point to an "Intelligent Designer" or natural causes as the best explanation for the origin of life and the universe?

What is our soul or consciousness? Is it seperate from the brain? What are near death experiences? What happens to you after you die?

Is there a God? Is atheism logical? What is my purpose on this planet?

Do all religions basically say the same thing and all point to the same God?

Organized religions seem so messed up and many of the smaller groups are cultish so how do I "find" God and live a spiritual life?

How do I connect better with people and God in such a noisy disconnected world? How do we better love one another ?

What are UFO's? What are ghosts?

How has technology helped us and how has it hurt us? Is the world getting better or worse? What does the future hold for us? Are you afraid or lonely ?

Posted articles and links to various topics

Links to other sites

  1. Storm Art
  2. Open2Talk
  3. Savory Restaurant

Comments or questions

Email us

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