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"History is prologue for the future"

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A friend made a statement to me some years ago arguing that it was unnecessary of her to think about events on a global scale since they did not directly impact her, "What do I care what happens in another part of the world, it doesn't effect me anyway!"  Her paper-thin, "this really bores me" comment was touted, at least once, in almost every discussion of politics, history, and current events.  Months later, we experienced a world-wide tragedy as most of us sat at home and watched the history unfold before our very eyes. I wonder if she still believes that world events will never impact her. 

We can see from September 11th and the ensuing months that events around the world effect us directly and indirectly.  I would encourage each of you to keep abreast of events worldwide.  Don't give up when something doesn't make sense or appears complicated.  Appearances can be deceiving.  Dig in.  Study the past.  Do some research.  Read or watch the news.  There are some excellent links on this page that can aid in your understanding of events domestically and abroad.  Only when we connect our past mistakes with our present situations, are we able to, as the quote below so eloquently states, "Know what is stirring in the pot."

"Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot."

-Sicilian Proverb



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"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

-George Santayana


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What About Mr. J. Hartmann?

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

My High School Alma Mater


Visit My College Alma Mater

Visit the Holy See,

 Stato della Cittá del Vaticano

(State of the City of Vatican)

Visit the Civil Air Patrol Site!

Visit the Maryland Wing Website

Visit Pennsylvania Wing Website

St. Mary's Composite Squadron Website

The United States Army Reserve

Diocese of Pittsburgh Homepage

St. Mary's County Public Schools

Personal Homepage at

Great Mills High School

Archdiocese of Washington Homepage



Mr. Hartmann's Professional Organizations...Look Into One!

"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't."
-Anatole France

American Historical Association National Flag Foundation

National Council for the Social Studies

History Channel Club

The National Council for History Education

Pennsylvania State Education Association


Phi Alpha Theta

The History Honorary



E-Mail Mr. Hartmann with questions and/or comments-



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