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Kelly's HomePage

Ok, first I'd like to say; PLEASE stick with me here, I'm trying really hard to learn this junk, and actually.. it's SORTA workin... hehe But Come back every now and then, b/c I hope to have this up and runnin in no time!!.. HA..second, I'd liek to say, this page is basically going to be a colelction of pictures that I've stolen from everyone elses pics b/c I don't have a scanner, so if you're really mad that I stole your pics, yell at me k?! finally, I don't care if you don't like my 80's music b/c it's an inside joke between me and somebody else... actually.. it's really not, I lied... but I like the song anyway, and until I get sick of it (probably soon) I'm gonna leave it there :) hehe Anyway, See ya later!! Love Ya!! :) *Kelly*

Hey!!!!!!!! I got my first pic finally!!!!!!!!! (thanks mansy!!) Anyway, this is my hockey team, that was the pic that was on the FRONT PAGE of the newspaper b/c we won the state Championship!! YAY!! GO US!! and next Sunday I better have on of the soccer guys :)
This is us after we won our State Semi Final Game =) YAY!! It was real close too!! It went it to double overtime, and then strokes, and even at that we only won by one But we did win!!! Good Job Ladies!!!!
Thanks for taking time to come and see a bunch of word s...and a few pics :)hehe anyway, come back later... MAYBE I'll have something new... =)*keep your fingers crossed*
hi to all of my friends!!

"I Got my music from Missy Kay's Music Page"