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The Story

As time goes on, this story will progress. It is very important that you check this page whenever the main page says to. The plot will involve all of you, and things will get really crazy. This is sort of an outline for the RPG. If a boss fight is coming up, all of the details will be here. A few interesting plot turns may occur, and they'll be explained here. For example, maybe there is a sudden outbreak of aliens one day, and it is required that every person has to fight three aliens on the same day. If you fight none, that is okay because maybe you couldn't be on, but if you fight only one, then you will be killed. That's just how it goes. So like I said...check here whenever the main page says to.

February 20th, 2001: An outbreak of Linguafoeda Acheronsis (aliens) appears on the desolate planet LV426. In an attempt to escape, the colonists of the generator plant "Hadley's Hope" attempt to flee the overrun planet. Most die, but some make it out alive. However, the survivors unknowingly have Xenomorphs onboard their escape ships.

While in hibernation chambers on their ships, the survivors of LV426 don't realize that the aliens are destroying their controls, and the ships crash. Earth, Fiorina 161, The Nostromo, The Sulaco, The Auriga, and Gateway Station are all then infected with the creatures off of the ships that crashed on them. However, not all the ships had crashed yet, and some are still hurtling towards planets somewhere in space.

April 10th, 2001: After the colonists were declared overdue by the USCMC (United States Colonial Marine Corporation), troops were sent to the seven planets, ships, and stations which were infested with Linguafoeda Acheronsis. Three to Earth, and two to each of the other environments. Their mission: to exterminate the threat.

Each time a marine makes a kill, they are paid accordingly by the USCMC. The price differs depending on what stage of growth the hostile is at. This money goes into a company bank account and can then be used to buy more additional equipment at any time.

May 14th, 2001: The marines arrive...

WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! outbreak of alien life forms on all planets occuring now thursday may 24,2001 and is estimated to last until midnight friday may 25,2001 all marines are requested to fight 2 aliens at a time!!! those that don't can't fight period if you would like to help today but have already fought title a subject invalid and the days fighting will be erased and you can fight the two aliens (note you will fight one at a time and then between fights be healed to maxium ego and adrenline, and you will get the ego and adrenline from both fights not to mention money but you get these ONLY after you fight BOTH aliens and it doesn't matter which aliens you fight you can mix and match too!!!)