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mari's world
Welcome to my little part of this world.  I have many things to be thankful throughout my lifetime and give the Almighty Father, in heaven, all my thanks and praise for these gifts.
I have found one of the most wonderful men in the world to love and care for me.  We met right here on the internet and as of February 9, 2000, he made me his wife.  We now live in a small town in Maryland where we thrive to make this our home.
My husband, Randy, is my best friend in the whole world.  I owe my life and heart to him.  He is one of the most inteligent and caring individuals I have ever had the privledge of knowing.  He works hard day or night, doing what he needs to for his family.  I never knew love like I know it with him now.  He is not only strong in his masculity, but sensitive to others.  Randy makes sure I feel his love and strength even when we are apart.  I will love him as we promised the day we wed, "til death do us part"
I have moved from Florida to Maryland, where I have been a cardiac nurse for 10 years.  Over the past 15 years of residence in the sunny state of Florida, I have met and had some of the best friends any girl could ever dream of.  I love them all so much and miss each and every one dearly.  They will always hold a very special place in my heart no matter what part of this grand world I live in.
I have also been blessed with three wonderful children, and one gorgous grand-daughter.  My two oldest, Nik and Jayme,  were from my first marriage and my third, Lisa,  was from second marriage.  That is all there is, and there is no plans for any more!!!
Nik is my oldest and only son.  He is now 19 years old and just recently joined the Marine Corps.  Nik and his beautiful family live in North Carolina, where he is stationed.  He is a strong and very sensitive person, along with being quite dashing, as well.   He keeps this family together with his never ending wit and sense of humor.  Never knowing one day to the next what color his hair will be. *giggles*  He is very talented as well.  He loves to play his drums and is very good at it, as well.  (I knew someday letting him play with my wooden spoons as a baby, beating on his lil sister and anything he could get his lil hands on would pay off)  *grins*.

He is also the father of my grandbaby, Katelynn.  His wife and mother of his child were just recently wed earlier this year and we welcome Erin into our lil family with open arms. 

Nik has been there for me through all the trials and tribulations of raising children alone as a single mother, and for this, I love him all the more and thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Jayme is my oldest daughter.  She is now 18 years old.  They are both struggling to make a life and a promising future for themselves. 

Jayme is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, both inside and out.  She has a natural submissive, feminine quality to her and one smile from her, would melt any man's heart.  She ia also very musically inclined.  She played the saxaphone throughout her school years, in concert, marching and jazz band.

She is only 10 months younger than Nik, and they have been close all throughout their life.  One will lie and the other swear by it.  Go figure!  *laughs*  They are always there for each other to sound out their teenage emotions and fears as well as have much fun together in their music and in driving their mother more nuts. 

Jayme and me have always been best of friends and she will always hold her mother's heart in the palm of her hand. 

Lisa is my youngest daughter.  She is 9 years old at present.  She is my pride and joy.  Born into this world at only 24 weeks gestation and weighing in at 1 lb. 10 1/4 oz., 13 inches long, she had a tough start at life with help from many tubes connected to her small body, breathing and feeding her so she may survive.  Well, she did, and she is definitely our little miracle in so many ways.

She is so full of life and happiness along with being very healthy.  We can always count on Lisa to bring a smile to our face and fill our hearts with love.  She will now and forever remain my littlest angel.

Katelynn is my grandbaby.  She is now one year old.  To be honest, I never thought I could feel this way about a grandchild, being that I am still so young and all.  *laughs*  But, my heart skips a beat everytime I see or hear her talk or jibberish come from those perfect lips of hers.  She fills my life with such a different pleasure, one can only experience by being a grandparent, I reckon.

She is not only smart but, so beautiful.  Her small face lights up when she smiles.  I can never shake or foget the feeling of the first time she crawled over to her grandma and put her lil arms up to me to take.  It brings tears to my eyes and gives me shivers of pure joy to just think of her.  She lives with her wonderful parents inNorth Carolina and we miss not seeing her as often as we would like.

I have been surfing the net for about four years now.  Along my many travels, I have met so many wonderful people through this wondrous way of communication.  There are many whom I am so proud to call my internet family.  They have been there is so many ways, through good times and bad, through tears and laughter.  I have, also, had the privledge of meeting several of these sweet friends in real life.  I am so  honored to know them and will always cherish their friendship.
Randy's  Link
Katelynn's Link
Nik's Link
Best Friend's Link
Jayme's Link
My Internet Friends
Lisa's Link
Our Virtual Online Wedding
As I said earlier, I am very fortunate to have a husband who loves me as much as he does.  He dedicated a webpage of beautiful poems he wrote for me.  Please, take a moment and visit these beautiful writings of his.  I love you, Randy!