Online (and offline) courses

Last updated 2002-03-12


Online School of Programming

English conversation

Computer Support

These both links above are some ideas I have. Click on them to read more and contact me if you like the ideas. Perhaps the "Online School of Programming" can sound overly ambitious for some? :-). Well, I like to take vacation from programming every now and then also so other topics are definitely not forbidden :-).

A couple of years ago I had few visitors from the US here in Gothenburg, Sweden. I happened to meet one of them in a chat and it turned out she and some friends of hers were about to go to Sweden. I helped them to find a nice and cheap place to stay and we met a few times when they were here. That was very nice and fun and I'd like to do something similar again if possible.

I might also be interested in visiting you if you like to help a visitor from Sweden with a cheap and nice place to stay and also met up with me a few times :-). It is nice to broaden your views and meet people from other countries.