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The Life of G00dbar

*Welcome all 2 the next level of Mr.Goodbar's web site. Ok this is my third web page and with this 1 I will attempt 2 be better than the last one and different from all others that you have seen.

*Ever since my day of birth i have felt that i have had some kind of mission or reason for being on this earth. I still havent figured out what it quite is exactly but im sure it is something good.

*To all the haters out there i just want 2 say 2 yall keep hating, cause im a hater my self. I hate those that hate me, so im a hater 2 a certain degree, but hey who wouldnt be.

*2 know me is 2 love me! Lately i have been in the mind set that i dont need 2 be out here trying to holla at every female or doing shyt 2 try 2 impress others. I am whats most important! I like the way that sounded yeah I am whats most important. Now im not saying that others dont matter its just that from now on I am going 2 look out for myself and always put my self 1st.

*Lately alot of people have questioned my sanity based on alot of the decisions that i have made. Most of them i have stuck by on while others im not so sure what i was thinking. Only the lord knows what i was thinking, until i can think of a reason 4 them i will plead momentarily insanity.

Pictures of me

Links 2 other folks pages!

Other Pictures

My Shoutouts

A look inside of my mind