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First of all, to view this Page your browser must support JavaScript. This here will Tell you if your Broswer supports JavaScript:
Hey hey! I made this site especially for all you wanna be's out there!
Over here you'll find scripts, HTML and more...Enjoy!

-News- Good news! First of all, i'm going to totally change this site. All those long scripts i couldn't give you will be zipped and will be avaliable for download! Second of all, I find that this page is too long, and takes too much time to load. I Will put every script on a diffrent page, so it would be much easier. This WILL TAKE TIME!
I will soon be adding an awards page. E-mail me your name/page URL and i'll rate it with an award!
Last Update: March 4th, 2001.
Click here for HTML
Click here for my links page
Click here for JavaScript Games

[Website Maker]
This'll help you make a website. Just copy and paste everything to the text block in your site.

Advanced HTML Hot Pro Version 1

Advanced HTML Hot Pro Version 1.3















Final Result: N/A
Script: N/A

Note: I am unable to give you the source code because it's too long. Right click and look at it that way.

[HTML Editor 2]
This will help you with your page.

TEEHE - The Ever Expanding HTML Editor

The Ever Expanding HTML Editor © 1996 Randy Hootman


Document Fonts Offsets Headers Anchors/Images
Lists Separators Forms Tables Misc
Special Characters Assistants

Final Result: N/A
Source Code: N/A

Note: I can not give you the source code because it too is long. Right click and view it that way..

[JavaScript: onClick text alert]
Once the text is clicked, an alert pops up.

Type: <*font face="Verdana" size="3" onClick="JavaScript:alert('Write whatever u want')"> Click me to show me the alert
It should look like this: Click me to show me the alert

Note: You can change the onClick to an onmouseover. Look at the HTML part, where it says "alert" for more info. The onmouseover should look like this: Put your mouse cursor here

[JavaScript: Confirmation Message]
Must press OK to continue. If 'Cancel' is pressed, it exits the page

Type: <*script language="JavaScript"> function CONFIRM(){if (!confirm ("The message goes here")) history.go(-1);return " "} document.writeln(CONFIRM())

Note: If the text is too long, it won't work.
Final Result: N/A

[JavaScript: Bookmark Page]
User clicks on the link, and page is bookmarked.

Type: <*script language="JavaScript1.2"> <*!-- var bookmarkurl="" var bookmarktitle="Sites's name - Description" function addbookmark(){ if (document.all) window.external.AddFavorite(bookmarkurl,bookmarktitle) } //--> <*script> if (document.all) document.write('<*a href="javascript:addbookmark()">Click here to Bookmark this site!')

Your Final result should look like this: Note: Don't change anything from here besdies for the page name/description. Make sure you took out ALL of the * of the script.

[JavaScript: French Translator]
Translates into French

Do you want Do we really have Do you know how
Is it be possible Will I manage

to sleep with to find to eat to buy to show me
to look like to stand to get in

Gerard Depardieu perfume a pair of frog legs
good cheese the Eiffel Tower
a genuine Parisian my wife my pants

in your widest dreams? to cover the smell? while drinking red wine? without speaking French? right after breakfast? without being an idiot? when my mother-in-law is around? after eating 300 croissants? ? (nothing)

Final Result: N/A
Source Code: N/A
Note: I can not give you the source code; it's too long.

[JavaScript: Backround change]
Once clicked, backround changes color

Type: <*FORM> <*INPUT type="button" value="Change to color u want" name="button3" onClick="document.bgColor='color u want'"> <*/FORM>

Note: Take out the *s.
Final Result:

[JavaScript: Mr. Push Me]
Keep clicking him

Meet Mr. Push Me!

Note: Funny eh? .
Final Result: N/A

Estimated Days Until Suicide Status

Mr Tama Tama Options

There's a lot more where that came from, and I haven't had the time to add more JavaScript. This is all the basic stuff you need to know for now.

This site is ©2001 ZS Enterprises. Do not steal any ideas from this site.
You must take out the * in the scripts or else they won't work!!
Please give me credit when you use these scripts and add a link as well for the credit. If scripts were taken without giving me any credit, that person will not be booted from this site.
Want to contact me? Come Here

See credits for My site!